[İstek] Farklı Bi Contact Form, Benzeri Gibi Değil

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Kayıt: 05.12.2006, 02:07
Konum: Antalya

[İstek] Farklı Bi Contact Form, Benzeri Gibi Değil

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$lang['Contact_intro'] = 'If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions regarding the site, or if you are experiencing problems with registering or logging into your account, please use this form to contact the Admin directly.';

$lang['Username'] = 'Kullanıcı Adı';
$lang['Real_name'] = 'Gerçek Adınız';
$lang['Rname_require'] = 'Gerçek Adınız *';
$lang['E-mail'] = 'E-Mail Adresiniz';
$lang['E-mail_require'] = 'E-Mail Adresiniz *';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Mesajınız';
$lang['Comments_require'] = 'Mesajınız *';
$lang['Attachment'] = 'Eklenti';

$lang['Feedback'] = 'Feedback received';

$lang['Real_name_explain'] = 'Enter your name here. This helps us contact you better if you are not registered.';
$lang['Explain_email'] = 'Enter your e-mail address here. This is used incase we need to reply to you directly.';
$lang['Comments_explain'] = 'Enter your feedback comments here.';
$lang['Flood_explain'] = '<br /><br />This form has a flood control system in place. You may only submit a form once every %s %s.';
$lang['Comments_limit'] = '<br /><br />The Admin has set a maximum of %s characters allowed in your message.';
$lang['Attachment_explain'] = 'Post an attachment here, if required, and it will be received by the board Admin. Only files that are %sKb or lower are allowed.';

$lang['Guest'] = 'Guest';
$lang['Notify_IP'] = 'Your IP address will be recorded for security purposes.';
$lang['Fields_required'] = 'Fields with a * are required.';
$lang['Contact_form'] = 'İletişim Formu';
$lang['Empty'] = 'Not Specified';

$lang['hours'] = 'hours';
$lang['hour'] = 'hour';

$lang['Chars'] = ' characters';

$lang['Captcha_code'] = 'Captcha *';
$lang['Captcha_code_explain'] = 'Please confirm the code in the image. This is required to deter spambots.';

// Errors
$lang['Rname-Empty'] = 'Your real name was not provided.';
$lang['Comments-Empty'] = 'The comments field was not filled in.';
$lang['Comments_exceeded'] = 'Your message is longer than is permitted.';
$lang['Email-Empty'] = 'The e-mail field was not filled in.';
$lang['Email-Check'] = 'Your e-mail address you provided was not valid.';
$lang['Attach-File_exists'] = 'A file already exists with that name from your IP Address.';
$lang['Attach-Too_big'] = 'The attachment you tried to send was too big. Make sure its %sKb or lower.';
$lang['Attach_dud'] = 'The attachment you tried to send does not exist. Please double check your upload link.';
$lang['Attach-Uploaded'] = 'Your attachment was successfully uploaded.';
$lang['Flood_limit'] = 'Sorry, but you must wait %d hour(s) until you can submit another form.';
$lang['Illegal_ext'] = 'This filetype (%s) is not permitted!';
$lang['Unknown_ext'] = 'This filetype (%s) cannot be accepted!';
$lang['zip_advise'] = 'If necessary, please zip the file before resubmitting.';
$lang['POST_ERROR'] = 'Upload Error - please try again!';
$lang['Image_error'] = 'Upload Error - Unable to process this image!';
$lang['Image_zip'] = 'Please zip this type of image before sending it.';
$lang['Code_Empty'] = 'You did not confirm the code image!';
$lang['Code_Wrong'] = 'The code you entered was incorrect!';

$lang['Contact_error'] = '<b>An error occurred when trying to send your feedback!</b>';
$lang['Contact_success'] = '<b>Your message was sent successfully!</b>';

$lang['Click_return_form'] = '<br /><br />İletişim Formuna Dönmek İçin %sBuraya%s Tıklayınız';

$lang['Contact_Disabled'] = 'The Contact Form is currently Unavailable';

// Admin
$lang['General_settings'] = 'Genel Ayarlar';
$lang['Contact_title'] = 'İletişim Formu';
$lang['Contact_explain'] = 'Use this page to alter the settings and features of the Contact Form, as well as field requirements.';
$lang['Req_settings'] = 'Requirement Settings';
$lang['Attachment_settings'] = 'Eklenti Ayarları';
$lang['Contact_updated'] = 'Contact Configuration Updated Successfully';
$lang['Click_return_contact'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Contact Form configuration';
$lang['Disable'] = 'Disable';

$lang['Form_Enable'] = 'Enable Contact Form';

$lang['kb'] = 'kilobytes';

$lang['Hash'] = 'Attachment Hashing Method';
$lang['Hash_explain'] = 'All uploads can be renamed with a random hash, for increased security.';
$lang['md5'] = 'MD5';
$lang['no_hash'] = 'No Hash';

$lang['auth_permission'] = 'Attachment Permissions';
$lang['auth_perm_explain'] = 'If attachments are permitted you can select who can upload files.';
$lang['auth_guests'] = 'Guests';
$lang['auth_members'] = 'Members';
$lang['auth_mods'] = 'Moderators';
$lang['auth_admins'] = 'Admins';

$lang['Require_rname'] = 'Require Real Name';
$lang['Require_email'] = 'Require E-mail';
$lang['Require_comments'] = 'Require Comments';
$lang['Permit_attachments'] = 'Permit Attachments';
$lang['Prune'] = 'Enable Pruning';
$lang['Prune_explain'] = 'Enable this to delete any SQL entries that have already done their flood limit job to reduce database size.';
$lang['Max_file_size'] = 'Max File Size';
$lang['Max_file_size_explain'] = 'The maximum file size for attachments for storing on your web server. Remember, this cannot exceed your php.ini setting. (%s)';
$lang['File_root'] = 'Attachment File Root';
$lang['File_root_explain'] = 'The folder in which any attachments are saved. The folder must be CHMOD 777 and is relative to the phpBB root path.';
$lang['Flood_limit_admin'] = 'Flood Limit';
$lang['Flood_limit_admin_explain'] = 'This is how long is allowed before a user can submit a new form. Set to \'0\' to disable this function (only recommended for testing).';
$lang['Char_limit_admin'] = 'Maximum Characters';
$lang['Char_limit_admin_explain'] = 'You can set an upper limit as to how many characters can be in a message.  Set to \'0\' to disable this option.';

$lang['Captcha'] = 'Captcha Options';
$lang['Activate'] = 'Activate Captcha?';
$lang['Enable'] = 'Enable';
$lang['Disable'] = 'Disable';
$lang['Captcha_explain'] = 'Enable this to require users to enter a code before submitting a form. This will prevent spambots abusing the form.';
$lang['Type'] = 'Captcha Appearance';
$lang['Type_explain'] = 'Select the type of Captcha you want displayed on your form.';
$lang['Image_bg'] = 'Image based';
$lang['Coloured'] = 'Coloured';
$lang['Random'] = 'Random';

$lang['Copyright'] = '"Contact Form" by <a href="http://www.phobbia.net" target="_phpbb"><b>Ma&reg;&copy;uS</b></a> &copy; 2006-2007<br />(Original mod: darkassasin93)';

// "Quick Delete" - Added to 7.0.0
$lang['Delete'] = 'Quick Delete';
$lang['Delete_disabled'] = 'Quick Delete option has been Disabled';
$lang['File_Not_Here'] = 'That Attachment does not appear to exist.';
$lang['File_Removed'] = 'The File has been successfully deleted.';
$lang['Delete_explain'] = 'Allow Admin to Quick Delete Attachments via an E-mail link?';
$lang['Remove_file'] = 'To delete this file, follow this link: %s';

// "Messages Log" - Added in 8.6.0
$lang['Admin_email_explain'] = 'If left blank e-mails will be sent to the Site Admin address of this board.';

$lang['Contact_date'] = 'Date';
$lang['Contact_ip'] = 'IP';
$lang['Contact_get'] = '%sGet%s';
$lang['Contact_remove'] = '%sRemove%s';
$lang['Msg_delete'] = 'Delete';

$lang['Contact_msgs_title'] = 'Contact Form :: Messages Log';
$lang['Contact_msgs_text'] = 'These are the messages you have received via your Contact Form, with the newest messages listed first.<br />&nbsp;&bull; Messages can be reviewed and deleted.<br />&nbsp;&bull; Attached files can be retrieved and deleted.';

$lang['Msg_del_success'] = 'The Message was deleted successfully';
$lang['File_del_success'] = 'The Attachment was deleted successfully';
$lang['Confirm_delete_msg'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this Message?';
$lang['Confirm_delete_file'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this Attachment?';
$lang['File_Not_Here'] = 'That Attachment does not appear to exist.';
$lang['Click_return_msglog'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Messages Log';

$lang['Msg_Log'] = 'Messages Log';
$lang['Msg_Log_explain'] = 'Activating this allows you to store messages in your database for reference';
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