[ İSTEK ] Advanced User Search Mod

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Mesajlar: 271
Kayıt: 05.12.2006, 02:07
Konum: Antalya

[ İSTEK ] Advanced User Search Mod

Mesaj gönderen RoyaLTurK »

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Kod: Tümünü seç

$lang['Search_invalid_username'] = 'Invalid username entered to Search';
$lang['Search_invalid_email'] = 'Invalid email address entered to Search';
$lang['Search_invalid_ip'] = 'Invalid IP address entered to Search';
$lang['Search_invalid_group'] = 'Invalid Group entered to Search';
$lang['Search_invalid_date'] = 'Invalid Date entered to Search';
$lang['Search_invalid_postcount'] = 'Invalid Post Count entered to Search';
$lang['Search_invalid_userfield'] = 'Invalid Userfield data entered';
$lang['Search_invalid_lastvisited'] = 'Invalid data entered for Last Visited search';
$lang['Search_invalid_language'] = 'Invalid Language Selected';
$lang['Search_invalid_style'] = 'Invalid Style Selected';
$lang['Search_invalid_timezone'] = 'Invalid Timezone Selected';
$lang['Search_invalid_moderators'] = 'Invalid Forum Selected';
$lang['Search_invalid'] = 'Invalid Search';
$lang['Search_invalid_day'] = 'The day you entered was invalid';
$lang['Search_invalid_month'] = 'The day you entered was invalid';
$lang['Search_invalid_year'] = 'The day you entered was invalid';
$lang['Search_no_regexp'] = 'Your database does not support Regular Expression searching.';
$lang['Search_for_username'] = 'Searching usernames matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_email'] = 'Searching email addresses matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_ip'] = 'Searching IP addresses matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_date'] = 'Searching users who joined %s %d/%d/%d';
$lang['Search_for_group'] = 'Searching group members of %s';
$lang['Search_for_banned'] = 'Searching banned users';
$lang['Search_for_admins'] = 'Searching Administrators';
$lang['Search_for_mods'] = 'Searching Moderators';
$lang['Search_for_disabled'] = 'Searching for disabled users';
$lang['Search_for_disabled_pms'] = 'Searching for users with disabled Private Messages';
$lang['Search_for_postcount_greater'] = 'Searching for users with a post count greater than %d';
$lang['Search_for_postcount_lesser'] = 'Searching for users with a post count less than %d';
$lang['Search_for_postcount_range'] = 'Searching for users with a post count between %d and %d';
$lang['Search_for_postcount_equals'] = 'Searching for users with a post count value of %d';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_icq'] = 'Searching for users with a ICQ address matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_yahoo'] = 'Searching for users with a Yahoo IM address matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_aim'] = 'Searching for users with an AIM address matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_msn'] = 'Searching for users with a MSN Messenger address matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_website'] = 'Searching for users with an Website matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_location'] = 'Searching for users with a Location matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_interests'] = 'Searching for users with their Interests field matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_userfield_occupation'] = 'Searching for users with their Occupation field matching %s';
$lang['Search_for_lastvisited_inthelast'] = 'Searching for users who have visited in the last %s %s';
$lang['Search_for_lastvisited_afterthelast'] = 'Searching for users who have visited after the last %s %s';
$lang['Search_for_language'] = 'Searching for users who have set %s as their language';
$lang['Search_for_timezone'] = 'Searching for users who have set GMT %s as their timezone';
$lang['Search_for_style'] = 'Searching for users who have set %s as their style';
$lang['Search_for_moderators'] = 'Search for moderators of the Forum -> %s';
$lang['Search_users_advanced'] = 'Advanced User Search';
$lang['Search_users_explain'] = 'This Module allows you to perform advanced searches for users on a wide range of criteria. Please read the descriptions under each field to understand each search option completely.';
$lang['Search_username_explain'] = 'Here you can perform a case insensitive search for usernames. If you would like to match part of the username, use * (an asterix) as a wildcard. Checking the Regular Expressions box will allow you to search based on your regex pattern. <strong>Note:</strong> Regular Expressions will only work in MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle 10g+.';
$lang['Search_email_explain'] = 'Enter an expression to match a user\'s email address. This is case insensitive. If you want to do a partial match, use * (an asterix) as a wildcard. Checking the Regular Expressions box will allow you to search based on your regex pattern. <strong>Note:</strong> Regular Expressions will only work in MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle 10g+.';
$lang['Search_ip_explain'] = 'Search for users who made posts made by a specific ip address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), wildcard (xxx.xxx.xxx.*) or range (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy). Note: the last quad .255 is considered the range of all the IPs in that quad. If you enter, it is just like entering 10.0.0.* (No IP is assigned .255 for that matter, it is reserved). Where you may encounter this is in ranges, is the same as "10.0.0.*" . You should really enter .';
$lang['Search_users_joined'] = 'Users that joined';
$lang['Search_users_lastvisited'] = 'Users whom have visited';
$lang['in_the_last'] = 'in the last';
$lang['after_the_last'] = 'after the last';
$lang['Before'] = 'Before';
$lang['After'] = 'After';
$lang['Search_users_joined_explain'] = 'Search for users the join Before or After (and on) a specific date. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD.';
$lang['Search_users_groups_explain'] = 'View all members of the selected group.';
$lang['Administrators'] = 'Administrators';
$lang['Banned_users'] = 'Banned Users';
$lang['Disabled_users'] = 'Disabled Users';
$lang['Users_disabled_pms'] = 'Users with disabled PMs';
$lang['Search_users_misc_explain'] = 'Administrators - All users with Administrator powers; Moderators - All forum moderators; Banned Users - All accounts that have been banned on these forums; Disabled Users - All users with disabled accounts (either manually disabled or never verified their email address); Users with disabled PMs - Selects users who have the Private Messages priviliges removed (Done via User Management)';
$lang['Postcount'] = 'Postcount';
$lang['Equals'] = 'Equals';
$lang['Greater_than'] = 'Greater than';
$lang['Less_than'] = 'Less than';
$lang['Search_users_postcount_explain'] = 'You can search for users based on the Postcount value. You can either search by a specific value, greater than or lesser than a value or between two values. To do the range search, select "Equals" then put the beginning and ending values of the range separated by a dash (-), e.g. 10-15';
$lang['Userfield'] = 'Userfield';
$lang['Search_users_userfield_explain'] = 'Search for users based on various profile fields. Wildcards are supported using an asterix (*). Checking the Regular Expressions box will allow you to search based on your regex pattern. <strong>Note:</strong> Regular Expressions will only work in MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle 10g+.';
$lang['Search_users_lastvisited_explain'] = 'You can search for users based on their last login date using this search option';
$lang['Search_users_language_explain'] = 'This will display users whom have selected a specific language in their Profile';
$lang['Search_users_timezone_explain'] = 'Users who have selected a specific timezone in their profile';
$lang['Search_users_style_explain'] = 'Display users who have selected a specific style.';
$lang['Moderators_of'] = 'Moderators of';
$lang['Search_users_moderators_explain'] = 'Search for users with Moderating permissions to a specific forum. Moderating permissions are recoginised either by User Permissions or by being in a Group with the right Group Permssions.';
$lang['Regular_expression'] = 'Regular Expression?';

$lang['Manage'] = 'Manage';
$lang['Search_users_new'] = '%s yielded %d result(s). Perform <a href="%s">another search</a>.';
$lang['Banned'] = 'Banned';
$lang['Not_banned'] = 'Not Banned';
$lang['Search_no_results'] = 'No users match your selected criteria. Please try another search. If you\'re searching the username or email address fields, for partial matches you must use the wildcard * (an asterix).';
$lang['Account_status'] = 'Account Status';
$lang['Sort_options'] = 'Sort options:';
$lang['Last_visit'] = 'Last Visit';
$lang['Day'] = 'Day';

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