Contact form düzenlemesi

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Mesajlar: 2
Kayıt: 08.01.2018, 01:43

Contact form düzenlemesi

Mesaj gönderen cansuari »

Kodlarda nasıl bir düzenleme yaparsam sitenin iletişim formundan atılan maillerin kendi mailime gelmesini sağlayabilirim?
Nereye kendi mailimi yazmam gerekiyor?

Kod: Tümünü seç

<?php // Template Name: Contact Page

// get header.php

// get theme customizer data
$cPage_general = get_option( 'royal_cPage_general' );
$cPage_map 	   = get_option( 'royal_cPage_map' );

// contact form validations
function isEmail( $email ) {
	$reg_exp  = '/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/';
	return ( preg_match( $reg_exp, $email ) );

// define error variables
$error_name 	= false;
$error_email	= false;
$error_message 	= false;
$error_captcha	= false;
$error_class	= 'rf-error';

// default variables
$name 	 		= esc_html__( '*Name', 'hyperx' );
$email 	 		= esc_html__( '*Email', 'hyperx' );
$subject 		= esc_html__( 'Subject', 'hyperx' );
$message 		= esc_html__( '*Message', 'hyperx' );
$reciever_email = '';
$sent_report 	= '';

// generate captcha
$rf_captcha_1 	= rand(0, 10);
$rf_captcha_2 	= rand(0, 10);
$rf_captcha_sum = $rf_captcha_1 + $rf_captcha_2;

// get the reciever email
if ( trim($cPage_general['reciever_email']) === '' ) {
	$reciever_email = get_option('admin_email');
} else {
	$reciever_email = $cPage_general['reciever_email'];

if ( isset($_POST['cont-submit']) ) {

	// Get the name
	if ( trim($_POST['cont-name']) === '' || trim($_POST['cont-name']) == $name || strlen( trim($_POST['cont-name']) ) < 2 ) {
		$error_name = $error_class;
	} else {
		$name = esc_attr( trim($_POST['cont-name']) );

	// Get the email
	if ( trim($_POST['cont-email']) === '' || ! isEmail( trim($_POST['cont-email']) ) ) {
		$error_email = $error_class;
	} else {
		$email = esc_attr( trim($_POST['cont-email']) );

	// Get the subject
	if ( trim($_POST['cont-subject']) == 'subject' ) {
		$subject = '';
	} else {
		$subject = esc_attr( trim($_POST['cont-subject']) );

	// Get the message
	if ( trim($_POST['cont-message']) === '' || trim($_POST['cont-message']) == $message ) {
		$error_message = $error_class;
	} else {
		$message = stripslashes( trim($_POST['cont-message']) );

	if ( $cPage_general['enable_captcha'] === true && ( trim($_POST['cont-captcha']) === '' || trim($_POST['cont-captcha']) !== $_POST['cont-captcha-sum'] ) ) {
		$error_captcha = $error_class;

	// chek for errors and get email contnet 
	if ( $error_name !== $error_class && $error_email !== $error_class && $error_message !== $error_class && $error_captcha !== $error_class ) {

		// email content
		$body  = esc_html__( 'Name: ', 'hyperx' ) . $name ."\n\n";
		$body .= esc_html__( 'Email: ', 'hyperx' ) . $email ."\n\n";
		$body .= esc_html__( 'Subject: ', 'hyperx' ) . $subject ."\n\n";
		$body .= esc_html__( 'Message: ', 'hyperx' ) ."\n\n";
		$body .= $message;

		// email headers
		$headers = array( 'From: '. $email );

		// send and check if email was sent
		if ( wp_mail( $reciever_email, $subject, $body, $headers ) ) {
			$email_sent = true;
		} else {
			$email_sent = false;

	} // endif

} // endif

// if email was sent successfly echo success!
if ( isset($email_sent) && $email_sent ) {
	$sent_report = '<span class="mail-success-txt">'. esc_html__( 'The message was successfully sent!', 'hyperx' ) .'</span>';
} elseif ( isset($email_sent) && ! $email_sent ) {
	$sent_report = '<span class="mail-error-txt">'. esc_html__( 'An error has occurred!', 'hyperx' ) .'</span>';

// get post meta data
$form_title  	= get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'rf_cont_form_title', true );
$info_title 	= get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'rf_cont_info_title', true );
$info_field_1   = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'rf_cont_info_field_1', true );
$info_field_2   = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'rf_cont_info_field_2', true );
$info_field_3   = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'rf_cont_info_field_3', true );
$info_field_4   = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'rf_cont_info_field_4', true );
$info_field_5   = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'rf_cont_info_field_5', true );

// change title in case of error/success
$form_title = ( isset($email_sent) && $sent_report != '' ? $sent_report : '<span>'. $form_title .'</span>' );

// if all info fields are empty, make contact form full width
if ( trim($info_field_1) === '' &&
	 trim($info_field_2) === '' &&
	 trim($info_field_3) === '' &&
	 trim($info_field_4) === '' &&
	 trim($info_field_5) === ''
) {
	$contact_form_full = 'contact-form-full';
} else {
	$contact_form_full = '';


<!-- Google Map - top of the Page -->
<?php if ( $cPage_map['position'] === 'top' ) : ?>
	<div id="royal-gmap" class="google-map-wrap body-section" data-location="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['location']); ?>" data-title="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['tooltip_label']); ?>" data-map-type="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['type']); ?>" data-zoom="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['zoom']); ?>" data-scroll="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['mousewheel']); ?>" data-nav="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['nav']); ?>" data-type-control="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['type_control']); ?>">
		<div class="google-map"></div>


<?php endif; ?>

<!-- Inner Content Wrapper -->
<div class="inner-content-wrap">

	<!-- Contact & Contact info -->
	<div class="contact-form-wrap inner-content body-section">

		<?php if ( $cPage_general['layout'] === 'info_form' ) : ?>
		<aside class="contact-info">

			<?php if ( trim( $info_title ) !== '' ) : ?>
				<h3 class="contact-title"><span><?php echo esc_html($info_title); ?></span></h3>
			<?php endif; ?>


				if ( trim( $info_field_1 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. $info_field_1 .'</span></li>';
				if ( trim( $info_field_2 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. $info_field_2 .'</span></li>';
				if ( trim( $info_field_3 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. $info_field_3 .'</span></li>';
				if ( trim( $info_field_4 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. $info_field_4 .'</span></li>';
				if ( trim( $info_field_5 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. $info_field_5 .'</span></li>';



		<?php endif; ?>

		<section class="contact-form <?php echo esc_attr($contact_form_full); ?>">

				$html  = '';

				if ( trim( $form_title ) !== '<span></span>' ) {
					$html .= '<h3 class="contact-title">'. wp_kses_post($form_title) .'</h3>';
				$html .= '<form action="'. esc_url(get_permalink()) .'" method="post" class="rf-form" data-disabled="'. ( isset($email_sent) ? $email_sent : '' ) .'">';

				// Name
				$html .= '<input type="text" id="cont-name" name="cont-name" class="rf-input pers-name '. esc_attr($error_name) .'" data-placeholder="'. esc_attr__( '*Name', 'hyperx' ) .'" value="'. esc_attr($name) .'" aria-required="true">';
				// Email
				$html .= '<input type="text" id="cont-email" name="cont-email" class="rf-input pers-email '. esc_attr($error_email) .'" data-placeholder="'. esc_attr__( '*Email', 'hyperx' ) .'" value="'. esc_attr($email) .'" aria-required="true">';
				// Subject
				$html .= '<input type="text" id="cont-subject" name="cont-subject" class="rf-input" data-placeholder="'. esc_attr__( 'Subject', 'hyperx' ) .'"  value="'. esc_attr($subject) .'">';
				// Message
				$html .= '<textarea id="cont-message" name="cont-message" class="rf-input pers-message '. esc_attr($error_message) .'" rows="8" data-placeholder="'. esc_attr__( '*Message', 'hyperx' ) .'">'. esc_attr($message) .'</textarea>';
				// captcha
				if ( $cPage_general['enable_captcha'] === true ) {

				$html .= '<p class="royal-captcha">';
				$html .= esc_html__( 'Prove your humanity', 'hyperx' );
				$html .= ': <span class="random-captcha"><span>'. $rf_captcha_1 .'</span> + <span>'. $rf_captcha_2 .'</span> = </span>';
				$html .= '<input style="width:50px;" type="text" id="cont-captcha" name="cont-captcha" class="rf-input '. esc_attr($error_captcha) .'">';
				$html .= '<input type="hidden" id="cont-captcha-sum" name="cont-captcha-sum" value="'. $rf_captcha_sum .'">';
				$html .= '</p>';


				// Submit
				$html .= '<input type="submit" value="'. esc_attr__( 'Send Message', 'hyperx' ) .'" class="submit-btn rf-button">';
				$html .= '<input type="hidden" id="cont-submit" name="cont-submit" value="true">';

				$html .= '</form>';

				echo ''. $html;


		<?php if ( $cPage_general['layout'] === 'form_info' ) : ?>

		<aside class="contact-info">

			<?php if ( trim( $info_title ) !== '' ) : ?>
				<h3 class="contact-title"><span><?php echo esc_html($info_title); ?></span></h3>
			<?php endif; ?>


				// field 1
				if ( trim( $info_field_1 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. wp_kses_post($info_field_1) .'</span></li>';

				// field 2
				if ( trim( $info_field_2 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. wp_kses_post($info_field_2) .'</span></li>';

				// field 3
				if ( trim( $info_field_3 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. wp_kses_post($info_field_3) .'</span></li>';

				// field 4
				if ( trim( $info_field_4 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. wp_kses_post($info_field_4) .'</span></li>';

				// field 5 (textarea)
				if ( trim( $info_field_5 ) !== '' ) {
					echo '<li><span>'. wp_kses_post($info_field_5) .'</span></li>';



		<?php endif; ?>

	</div><!-- end .contact-form-wrap -->

</div><!-- end .inner-content-wrap --> 

<!-- Google Map - bottom of the Page -->
<?php if ( $cPage_map['position'] === 'bottom' ) : ?>
	<div id="royal-gmap" class="google-map-wrap body-section" data-location="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['location']); ?>" data-title="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['tooltip_label']); ?>" data-map-type="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['type']); ?>" data-zoom="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['zoom']); ?>" data-scroll="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['mousewheel']); ?>" data-nav="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['nav']); ?>" data-type-control="<?php echo esc_attr($cPage_map['type_control']); ?>">
		<div class="google-map"></div>

<?php endif; ?>

<!-- get footer.php -->
<?php get_footer(); ?>
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Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6974
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Re: Contact form düzenlemesi

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

Şu kısımlardan ayar yapabilirsiniz:

Kod: Tümünü seç

// default variables
$name 	 		= esc_html__( '*Name', 'hyperx' );
$email 	 		= esc_html__( '*Email', 'hyperx' );
$subject 		= esc_html__( 'Subject', 'hyperx' );
$message 		= esc_html__( '*Message', 'hyperx' );
phpBB Eklenti Kurulumu | Kurallar | phpBB3 İzinleri | Otel Rehberi

Kurallarımız gereği lütfen özel mesaj ile yardım istemeyiniz, cevap vermiyoruz.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 2
Kayıt: 08.01.2018, 01:43

Re: Contact form düzenlemesi

Mesaj gönderen cansuari »

ESQARE yazdı: 08.01.2018, 16:03 Şu kısımlardan ayar yapabilirsiniz:

Kod: Tümünü seç

// default variables
$name 	 		= esc_html__( '*Name', 'hyperx' );
$email 	 		= esc_html__( '*Email', 'hyperx' );
$subject 		= esc_html__( 'Subject', 'hyperx' );
$message 		= esc_html__( '*Message', 'hyperx' );
Bu kısım iletişim formunun div kısmı değil mi? Maillerin bana gelmesi için mail adresimi nereye yazabilirim?
Kullanıcı avatarı
Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6974
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Re: Contact form düzenlemesi

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

hyperx yazan yerler ile alakalı demiştim. Sanırım kodu siz yazmadınız. Muhtemelen bir tema kullanıyorsunuz ve kodlar tema tarafından oluşturuluyor. Bunun ayarını yönetim paneli gibi bir yerden yapmanız gerek. Ya da tema yapımcısına sormalısınız.
phpBB Eklenti Kurulumu | Kurallar | phpBB3 İzinleri | Otel Rehberi

Kurallarımız gereği lütfen özel mesaj ile yardım istemeyiniz, cevap vermiyoruz.

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