
phpBB2 için yapılan MODların dil dosyalarını Türkçeleştirme forumu.
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Kayıt: 06.12.2008, 11:29


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Öncelikle belirteyim phpbb plus türkçe dil doyaları ile aynı değil içeriğine baktım.

google'da aratım yine yok bir kaç türkçe buldum ve bunlarla aynı değil. çevirebildiklerimi çevirdim çoğu ingilizce hala veya bununla aynı dil dosyalarını kullanan arkadaşlar varsa paylaşırsa yardımcı olursanız sevinirim .


Kod: Tümünü seç

 *						lang_extend_cat_hierarchy.php [English]
 *						---------------------------------------
 *	begin				: 08/10/2004
 *	copyright			: Ptirhiik
 *	email				: ptirhiik@clanmckeen.com
 *	version				: 0.0.12 - 21/08/2005

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
	die('Hacking attempt');

// admin part
if ( $lang_extend_admin )
	$lang['Lang_extend_cat_hierarchy'] = 'Categories Hierarchy';
	$lang['Extended_template_CH'] = 'Extended template CH edition';

	// admin_forums
	$lang['01_Manage'] = 'Management';
	$lang['02_Styles'] = 'Styles';
	$lang['03_Prune'] = 'Pruning';
	$lang['Configuration+'] = 'Configuration +';

	$lang['View_details'] = 'View details';
	$lang['change_view'] = 'Change view';
	$lang['Forum_edit_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to edit a forum (or category).';
	$lang['Forum_create_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to create a forum (or category).';
	$lang['Forum_type'] = 'Forum type';
	$lang['Forum_main'] = 'Parent forum';
	$lang['Forum_order'] = 'Position this forum after';
	$lang['Move_contents_explain'] = 'Choose a forum to where move all contents (topics and sub-forums).';
	$lang['Forum_style'] = 'Style used to display this forum';
	$lang['Forum_style_explain'] = 'This style will be used in place of the user or default style. Choose "None" if you don\'t want to override them.';
	$lang['Images'] = 'Images';
	$lang['Images_explain'] = 'You can use either an url or an images[] key entry (check template/<i>your_template</i>/<i>your_template</i>.cfg).';
	$lang['Forum_nav_icon'] = 'Navigation icon';
	$lang['Forum_nav_icon_explain'] = 'This icon will appear in front of the forum name in the navigation sentences (Forum index &raquo forum 1 &raquo ...).';
	$lang['Forum_icon'] = 'Forum image';
	$lang['Forum_icon_explain'] = 'This image will appear in front of the forum name in the forum cell of the index page.';
	$lang['Forum_link_hit_count'] = 'Count forum hits';
	$lang['Forum_subs_hidden'] = 'Hide sub-forums list';
	$lang['Forum_subs_hidden_explain'] = 'Allow to hide the sub-forums list appearing under the forum name in the forum cell of the index page.';

	$lang['Topics_per_page_explain'] = 'Set the value to 0 to use the default configuration or user choice.';
	$lang['Topics_sort'] = 'Sort topics by';
	$lang['Topics_sort_explain'] = 'Select the sort method you want for this forum. Leave "None" to use the default or the user settings.';
	$lang['Topics_split_in_box'] = 'New box';
	$lang['Topics_split_title_only'] = 'Split with only a title row header';
	$lang['Topics_split_global'] = 'Split global announcements from regular announcements';
	$lang['Topics_split_announces'] = 'Split Announcements from regular et sticky topics';
	$lang['Topics_split_stickies'] = 'Split Stickies from regular topics';

	$lang['Index_layout'] = 'Sub-forums Layout';
	$lang['Last_topic_title_length'] = 'Title length of the last topic on index';
	$lang['Last_topic_title_length_explain'] = 'Set the number of chars you want to display for the last topic title on index to prevent the layer to be screw with too long titles. Set it to 0 if you don\'t want to cut the titles.';
	$lang['Override_user_choice'] = 'Override user choice';

	$lang['Board_box_content'] = 'Board announcements setup';
	$lang['Board_box_content_explain'] = 'Choose what kind of announcements you want to display in the board announcements box.';
	$lang['Do_not_display'] = 'Do not display';
	$lang['Global_Parent_announces'] = 'Global and parent-forums announcements';
	$lang['Global_Childs_announces'] = 'Global and sub-forums announcements';
	$lang['Global_Branch_announces'] = 'Global and whole-section announcements';

	$lang['Default_setup'] = 'Default configuration or user choice';

	$lang['Forum_not_empty'] = 'There is still topics standing in this forum : move or delete them before changing the type.';
	$lang['Root_delete_deny'] = 'You can not delete the forum index.';
	$lang['Attach_to_link_denied'] = 'You can not move contents to a link.';
	$lang['Empty_move_to'] = 'Please choose a forum to move contents or "Delete All" to delete them.';
	$lang['Forums_resync_done'] = 'The forum and its sub-forums have been re-synchronised.';

	$lang['Copy'] = 'Copy';
	$lang['Details'] = 'Details';
	$lang['Group'] = 'Group';
	$lang['Selected'] = 'Selected';

	// caches management
	$lang['Caches'] = 'Caches';
	$lang['Cache_admin'] = 'Caches administration';
	$lang['Cache_admin_explain'] = 'Here you can enable, disabled or renew data caches used by the board.';
	$lang['Click_return_cacheadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the caches administration.';

	$lang['Table_caches'] = 'Generic level caches';
	$lang['Template_cache'] = 'Template Cache';
	$lang['Cache_path'] = 'Caches directory';
	$lang['Cache_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root directory where will stand the cache files, e.g. cache/';
	$lang['Check_setup'] = 'Check the directory';

	$lang['Cache_regen'] = 'Regenerate the cache';
	$lang['Cache_last_generation'] = 'Data last regeneration';

	$lang['Enable_cache_config'] = 'Enable config table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_forums'] = 'Enable forums table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_moderators'] = 'Enable moderators list cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_topics_attr'] = 'Enable topic title attributes list cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_themes'] = 'Enable themes table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_ranks'] = 'Enable ranks table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_words'] = 'Enable words censorship table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_smilies'] = 'Enable smilies table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_icons'] = 'Enable icons table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_cp_patches'] = 'Enable installed control panels patches table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_cp_panels'] = 'Enable control panels definitions table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_template'] = 'Enable cache template';
	$lang['Check_recent_tpl'] = 'Check if .tpl files have changed';

	$lang['Cache_failed_config'] = 'Config table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_forums'] = 'Forums table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_moderators'] = 'Moderators list cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_topics_attr'] = 'Topic title attributes list cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_themes'] = 'Themes table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_ranks'] = 'Ranks table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_words'] = 'Words censorship table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_smilies'] = 'Smilies table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_icons'] = 'Icons table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_cp_patches'] = 'Installed control panels patches table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_cp_panels'] = 'Control panels definitions table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';

	$lang['Cache_succeed_config'] = 'Config table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_forums'] = 'Forums table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_moderators'] = 'Moderators list cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_topics_attr'] = 'Topic title attributes list cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_themes'] = 'Themes table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_ranks'] = 'Ranks table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_words'] = 'Words censorship table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_smilies'] = 'Smilies table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_icons'] = 'Icons table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_cp_patches'] = 'Installed control panels patches table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_cp_panels'] = 'Control panels definitions table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';

	$lang['User_caches'] = 'User level caches';
	$lang['Cache_fauths'] = 'Forums access permissions cache';
	$lang['Cache_fjbox'] = 'Forums jumpbox cache';
	$lang['Cache_groups_list'] = 'Groups membership cache';
	$lang['Groups_list_sync'] = 'The users groups membership caches have been synchronised.';

	$lang['Board_stats_caches'] = 'Board statistics caches';
	$lang['Total_topics'] = 'Toplam Mesaj';
	$lang['Last_user'] = 'Last registered user';
	$lang['Board_stats_sync'] = 'The board statistics caches have been synchronised.';

	$lang['Check_results'] = 'Check results';
	$lang['Cache_path_not_found'] = 'The cache directory was not found. The check has ended there, and the generic level caches has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_path_found'] = 'The cache directory was found.';
	$lang['Cache_create_unavailable'] = 'The creation of new caches is not available on your system.';
	$lang['Cache_filelist'] = 'Please upload empty files named: %s, and CHMOD them to 666. Unavailable caches has been for now disallowed.';
	$lang['Cache_sysfile_missing'] = 'The file "sys_tests.dta" dedicated to tests has not been found. Please upload it to your system and CHMOD it to 666. The check has ended there.';
	$lang['Cache_write_disabled'] = 'The script wasn\'t able to write onto the test file (%s). Please adjust the CHMOD for the file and/or the directory (it should be at least 644). The check has ended there, unavailable caches has been for now disallowed.';
	$lang['Cache_io_unavailable'] = 'The script wasn\'t able to write or read the test file (%s). Unavailable caches has been for now disallowed.';
	$lang['Cache_successfull'] = 'All tests has been passed successfully. You can use the table caches.';

	$lang['Cache_regenerated'] = 'The cache has been marked for regeneration.';
	$lang['Cache_setup_updated'] = 'The caches setup has been updated.';

	// message icon admin
	$lang['Icons_settings'] = 'Message icons';
	$lang['Icons_admin'] = 'Message icons management';
	$lang['Icons_admin_explain'] = 'Here you can edit, delete, create and re-order icons used in front of messages title.';
	$lang['Icons_create'] = 'Create a message icon';
	$lang['Icons_create_explain'] = 'Here you register a new icon for the messages.';
	$lang['Icons_edit'] = 'Edit a message icon';
	$lang['Icons_edit_explain'] = 'Here you can modify the message icon definition and priviledges.';
	$lang['Icons_delete'] = 'Delete a message icon';
	$lang['Icons_delete_explain'] = 'Here you can delete a message icon.';

	$lang['Icons_box'] = 'Sample of posting box';
	$lang['Icons_types'] = 'Default for';
	$lang['Icons_usage'] = 'Usage';
	$lang['No_icons_create'] = 'No icons are available for the messages. Please hit "Create" to add some.';

	$lang['Icon_not_exists'] = 'This icon does not exist';
	$lang['Click_return_iconsadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Message icons administration.';

	$lang['Icon_name'] = 'Icon name';
	$lang['Icon_name_explain'] = 'You can use a lang entry key (check your language/lang_<i>your_language</i>/lang_*.php), or enter directly the icon name.';
	$lang['Icon_url'] = 'Icon URI';
	$lang['Icon_url_explain'] = 'Pick up an icon in the dropw down list.';
	$lang['Icon_auth'] = 'Authorisation required';
	$lang['Icon_auth_explain'] = 'Choose which authorisation will be required to use this icon.';
	$lang['Icon_types'] = 'Default for topic type';
	$lang['Icon_types_explain'] = 'Choose for which topic types this icon will be displayed when none has been choosen by the poster.';
	$lang['Icon_replace'] = 'Replace with icon';
	$lang['Icon_replace_explain'] = 'Choose an icon to replace in posts and topics the one to delete. Choose "None" to reset messages icons.';
	$lang['Icon_after'] = 'Move this icon after';

	$lang['Icon_created'] = 'The icon has been created.';
	$lang['Icon_edited'] = 'The icon has been edited.';
	$lang['Icon_deleted'] = 'The icon has been deleted.';

	$lang['Top'] = '___Top___';

	// topics attributes admin
	$lang['Topics_attr_settings'] = 'Topic title attributes';
	$lang['Topics_attr_admin'] = 'Topic title attributes management';
	$lang['Topics_attr_admin_explain'] = 'Here you can edit, delete, create and re-order text and icons used in front of topic titles.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_create'] = 'Create a topic title attribute';
	$lang['Topics_attr_create_explain'] = 'Here you register a new topic title attribute. You can use $lang entry keys for legends. Images will be picked up from the $images entries (Check templates/<i>your_template</i>/<i>your_template</i>.cfg).';
	$lang['Topics_attr_edit'] = 'Edit a topic title attribute';
	$lang['Topics_attr_edit_explain'] = 'Here you can modify the topic title attribute definition and priviledges. Images will be picked up from the $images entries (Check templates/<i>your_template</i>/<i>your_template</i>.cfg).';
	$lang['Topics_attr_delete'] = 'Delete a topics title attribute';
	$lang['Topics_attr_delete_explain'] = 'Here you can delete a topic title attribute.';

	$lang['Topics_attr_folder'] = 'Klasör';
	$lang['Topics_attr_title'] = 'Başlık';
	$lang['Topics_attr_name'] = 'Attribute name';
	$lang['Topics_attr_name_explain'] = 'Set here the attribute name you want to see in the drop down lists.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_fname'] = 'Mouseover folder name';
	$lang['Topics_attr_fname_explain'] = 'Set here the name the folder image will have when the mouse will be over it.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_fimg'] = 'Folder image';
	$lang['Topics_attr_fimg_explain'] = 'This will be the folder image used when the condition will be fullfilled.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tname'] = 'Tag';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tname_explain'] = 'This will be the tag used in front of the topic title.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_timg'] = 'Tag image';
	$lang['Topics_attr_timg_explain'] = 'If provided, the image will be displayed in place of the tag.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_field'] = 'Topics field to check';
	$lang['Topics_attr_field_explain'] = 'Set here the condition that will be used to check the topic title attribute.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_auth'] = 'Authorisation required';
	$lang['Topics_attr_auth_explain'] = 'Choose which authorisation will be required to use this topic attribute. This one is only use for the topic sub type.';

	$lang['Topics_attr_ttype'] = 'Topic type';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tsubtype'] = 'Topic sub type';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tmoved'] = 'Shadow topic';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tstatus'] = 'Topic is locked';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tvote'] = 'Topic has a poll';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tattach'] = 'Topic has an attached file';
	$lang['Topics_attr_tcalendar'] = 'Topic is a calendar event';

	$lang['Topics_attr_after'] = 'Folder image priority is just less than';
	$lang['Topics_attr_replace'] = 'Replace with attribute';
	$lang['Topics_attr_replace_explain'] = 'Choose a sub type to replace in topics the one to delete. Choose "None" to reset this sub type in topic using it.';

	$lang['Topics_attr_not_exists'] = 'This topic title attribute does not exist.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_created'] = 'The topic title attribute has been created.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_edited'] = 'The topic title attribute has been edited.';
	$lang['Topics_attr_deleted'] = 'The topic title attribute has been deleted.';

	$lang['Click_return_topics_attr_admin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Topic title attributes administration.';

	// styles management
	$lang['Submit_styles'] = 'Submit style';
	$lang['Images_pack'] = 'Images pack';
	$lang['Images_pack_explain'] = 'Enter here the <i>template</i>.cfg file where stands the images definition you want to use (ie.: <i>subSilver/subSilver.cfg</i>).<br />Leave it blank to use the template images pack.';
	$lang['Custom_tpls'] = 'Customised template files directory';
	$lang['Custom_tpls_explain'] = 'Enter here the directory where can be found the customised .tpl files you want to use (ie if the customised .tpl files are located in <i>templates/subSilver/customs</i>, enter <i>customs</i>).<br />Leave it blank if you don\'t use customised tpls.';
	$lang['Stylesheet_explain'] = 'Filename for CSS stylesheet to use for this theme.';
	$lang['Images_pack_not_found'] = 'The images pack you entered has not be found.';
	$lang['Custom_tpls_not_found'] = 'The customised template files directory has not be found.';
	$lang['Head_stylesheet_not_found'] = 'The CSS stylesheet has not be found.';

	// panels
	$lang['Admin_control_panel'] = 'Administration control panel';
	$lang['User_control_panel'] = 'User control panel';
	$lang['Group_control_panel'] = 'Group control panel';

	// config
	$lang['Topics_options'] = 'Topics options';
	$lang['Messages_options'] = 'Messages options';
	$lang['Click_return_msgopt'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to messages options.';
	$lang['Click_return_topicopt'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to topics options.';
	$lang['Click_return_layout'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to forums layout.';
	$lang['Keep_unreads_explain'] = 'Choose "Yes" to keep the unread flags in a cookie, "in database" to keep them in the user profile.';
	$lang['Keep_unreads_in_db'] = 'Saved in database';
	$lang['Icons_path'] = 'Messages icons path';
	$lang['Icons_path_explain'] = 'Default value is "images/icons/".';
	$lang['Default_duration'] = 'Announcements default duration';
	$lang['Default_duration_explain'] = 'Default duration proposed while writing an announcement.';
	$lang['Site_fav_icon'] = 'Site favorite icon';
	$lang['Site_fav_icon_explain'] = 'This icon is the one appearing in front of the site name of your browser bookmarks. It has to be a .ico file, 16x16 pixels.';
	$lang['Pagination_min'] = 'Minimal number of pages in pagination';
	$lang['Pagination_max'] = 'Maximal number of pages in pagination';
	$lang['Pagination_percent'] = 'Percentage of pages in pagination';

	// sub-title
	$lang['Topic_title_length'] = 'Title length of the topic title on index';
	$lang['Topic_title_length_explain'] = 'Set the number of chars you want to display for the topic title on index.';
	$lang['Sub_title_length'] = 'Title length of the sub-title (description) on index';
	$lang['Sub_title_length_explain'] = 'Set the number of chars you want to display for the sub-title (description) on index. Set it to 0 if you doesn\'t want to use the sub-title on the board.';

	// versions check
	$lang['version_checked'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo; <b>%s</b>: your version is <b>%s</b>, last available version is <b>%s</b>';
	$lang['version_not_checked'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo; <b>%s</b>: your version is <b>%s</b>';
	$lang['Unknown'] = 'Unknown';

// lang_main

// generic
$lang['No_valid_action'] = 'The action you are trying to perform is not supported.';
$lang['User_delete_deny'] = 'You are not allowed to delete this user.';
$lang['Auth_read_required'] = 'Only users users granted special access can access topics in this forum.';
$lang['Registration_required'] = 'Forumlar sadece üyeler içindir.<br><a href="profile.php?mode=register">Buraya</a> tıklayarak üye olabilirsiniz.';

// index display
$lang['Cat_no_subs'] = 'This category has no sub-forums.';
$lang['Click_return_parent'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the parent forum.';
$lang['View_group'] = 'View group informations';
$lang['Subforums'] = 'Alt-Kategori';
$lang['Link'] = 'Link';
$lang['Forum_link_visited'] = 'This link has been visited %d times <br />since %s';
$lang['Board_announces'] = 'Forum Duyuruları';

$lang['Important_topics'] = 'Önemli Başlık';
$lang['Global_Announces'] = 'Genel Duyurular';
$lang['Announces'] = 'Duyurular';
$lang['Stickies'] = 'Sabitler';

$lang['Post_Global_Announcement'] = 'Genel Duyuru';

$lang['Hot_topic'] = 'Popüler';
$lang['Own_topic'] = 'You have posted in this topic';

$lang['Topic_Moved'] = 'Taşındı';
$lang['Topic_Poll'] = 'Anket';
$lang['Topic_Locked'] = 'Kilitli';
$lang['Topic_Global_Announcement'] = 'Genel Duyuru';
$lang['Topic_Announcement'] = 'Duyuru';
$lang['Topic_Sticky'] = 'Sabit';
$lang['Topic_Attached'] = 'Attachment';

$lang['First_Post'] = 'Gönderim';
$lang['No_topics'] = 'There are no posts in this forum.';
$lang['Topics_count'] = '<b>%s</b>';
$lang['Posts_count'] = '<b>%s</b>';
$lang['Topics_count_1'] = '<b>%s</b>';
$lang['Posts_count_1'] = '<b>%s</b>';

$lang['Legend'] = 'Yetkiler';
$lang['Not_available'] = 'Not available';

$lang['Announce_ends'] = 'Duyuru Bitiş Tarihi: %s';

// date extended
$lang['Today'] = 'Bugün';
$lang['Yesterday'] = 'Dün';
$lang['Today_at'] = 'Bugün, Saat %s';
$lang['Yesterday_at'] = 'Dün, Saat %s';

// auto form error messages
$lang['empty_error'] = 'the value must be filled.';
$lang['length_mini_error'] = 'the value is too short.';
$lang['length_maxi_error'] = 'the value is too long.';
$lang['value_mini_error'] = 'the value must be greater.';
$lang['value_maxi_error'] = 'the value must be lower.';
$lang['options_error'] = 'the value choosen is not available in the list.';
$lang['options_empty_error'] = 'no value available for this field.';
$lang['url_error'] = 'this is not a valid url.';
$lang['Date_not_valid'] = 'This is not a valid date';
$lang['Not_a_valid_directory'] = 'This is not a valid directory';
$lang['Not_a_valid_script'] = 'This is not a valid script';
$lang['Only_numeric_allowed'] = 'Only numerics are allowed';

// tree drawing
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_HSPACE] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_VSPACE] = '|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_CROSS] = '|___';
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_CLOSE] = '|___';

// modcp
$lang['Move_to_forum_error'] = 'The target forum you choose is a category or a link, so can not contain topics.';

// search
$lang['No_such_forum'] = 'No such forum. Please select an existing forum.';
$lang['Search_in_forum'] = 'Search in forum';
$lang['Search_no_subs'] = 'Do not include sub-forums in the search scope';

// posting
$lang['Message_icon'] = 'Mesaj İkonu';
$lang['No_icon'] = 'İkon Yok';
$lang['Topic_duration'] = 'Duyurunun Bitiş Tarihi';
$lang['Topic_duration_explain'] = '';
$lang['Topic_duration_special'] = 'Eğer Asla Gösterme seçeneğini seçerseniz duyuru ana sayfada görünmeyecektir.<br />Eğer Herzaman Göster seçeneğini seçerseniz Duyurunuz Ana Sayfada Görünecektir.';
$lang['Never_displayed'] = 'Asla Gösterme';
$lang['Always_displayed'] = 'Herzaman Göster';
$lang['New_post_meanwhile_reply'] = 'A new reply has been posted or the last post has been deleted while you were replying. Check the "Topic review" at bottom of this page, and resubmit your post if appropriate.';
$lang['New_post_meanwhile_edit'] = 'A new reply has been posted or the last post has been deleted while you were editing.';

// icons title
$lang['icon_none'] = 'İkon Yok';
$lang['icon_note'] = 'Not';
$lang['icon_important'] = 'Important';
$lang['icon_idea'] = 'Idea';
$lang['icon_warning'] = 'Warning !';
$lang['icon_question'] = 'Question';
$lang['icon_cool'] = 'Cool';
$lang['icon_funny'] = 'Funny';
$lang['icon_angry'] = 'Grrrr !';
$lang['icon_sad'] = 'Snif !';
$lang['icon_mocker'] = 'Hehehe !';
$lang['icon_shocked'] = 'Oooh !';
$lang['icon_complicity'] = 'Complicity';
$lang['icon_bad'] = 'Bad !';
$lang['icon_great'] = 'Great !';
$lang['icon_disgusting'] = 'Beark !';
$lang['icon_winner'] = 'Gniark !';
$lang['icon_impressed'] = 'Oh yes !';
$lang['icon_roleplay'] = 'Roleplay';
$lang['icon_fight'] = 'Fight';
$lang['icon_loot'] = 'Loot';
$lang['icon_picture'] = 'Picture';
$lang['icon_calendar'] = 'Calendar event';

// settings
$lang['No_options'] = 'No options available.';
$lang['Click_return_prefs'] = 'Seçeneklere Gitmek için %sburaya%s tıklayınız';
$lang['Topic_read'] = 'Okuma Ayarları';
$lang['Board_layout'] = 'Forum Düzeni';
$lang['Default'] = 'Varsayılan';
$lang['Keep_unreads'] = 'Mesajları Okunmamış Ayarla';
$lang['Keep_unreads_dft_explain'] = 'Mesajların Okunmamış olarak kalması için Evet i seçin';
$lang['Topics_sort'] = 'Başlık Sıralaması';
$lang['Topics_sort_dft_explain'] = 'Varsayılan Olarak Bırakınız (Önerilen)';
$lang['Smart_date'] = 'Akıllı Tarih';
$lang['Smart_date_explain'] = 'Mesajları Bugün ve Dün olarak Göster.';
$lang['Board_box_display'] = 'Forum Duyuru Bölümü';
$lang['Index_pack'] = 'Al Kategori Ayarları';
$lang['Index_pack_explain'] = '';
$lang['Index_split'] = 'Forum Kategori Ayarları';
$lang['Index_split_explain'] = '';

// standard prefs
$lang['Internationalisation'] = 'Zaman Ayarları';
$lang['Posting_messages'] = 'Mesaj Gönderme Ayarları';
$lang['Privacy_choices'] = 'Gizlilik';

// user levels
$lang['Administrator'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['User'] = 'User';

// stats extended
$lang['Past_guests'] = 'Guests visits count';
$lang['Stats_display_past'] = 'Display visits historic on index';

$lang['Past_users_zero_total'] = 'There has been no users online within the last 24 hours :: ';
$lang['Past_user_total'] = 'There has been 1 user online within the last 24 hours :: ';
$lang['Past_users_total'] = 'Son 24 Saat İçinde <b>%d</b> Kullanıcı Online Olmuştur :: ';

$lang['Hour_users_zero_total'] = 'There has been no users online within the current hour :: ';
$lang['Hour_user_total'] = 'There has been 1 user online within the current hour :: ';
$lang['Hour_users_total'] = 'There has been <b>%d</b> users online within the current hour :: ';
$lang['Hour_visits'] = '(%s Şuan Online)';

// unmark topics
$lang['Topic_unmarked_read'] = 'The topic has been marked unread';
$lang['Topic_unmark_read'] = 'Mark the topic unread';
$lang['Post_unmark_read'] = 'Mark this post and the followings unread';

// sub-title
$lang['Sub_title'] = 'Konu Açıklaması';
$lang['Sub_title_desc'] = 'Description: %s';

// run stats
$lang['Stat_surround'] = '[ %s ]';
$lang['Stat_sep'] = ' - ';
$lang['Stat_page_duration'] = 'Saat: %.4fs';
$lang['Stat_local_duration'] = 'local trace: %.4fs';
$lang['Stat_part_php'] = 'PHP: %.2d%%';
$lang['Stat_part_sql'] = 'SQL: %.2d%%';
$lang['Stat_queries_total'] = 'Queries: %2d (%.4fs)';
$lang['Stat_queries_db'] = 'db: %2d (%.4fs)';
$lang['Stat_queries_cache'] = 'cache: %2d (%.4fs/%.4fs)';
$lang['Stat_gzip_enable'] = 'GZIP on';
$lang['Stat_debug_enable'] = 'Debug on';
$lang['Stat_request'] = 'Request';
$lang['Stat_line'] = 'Line:&nbsp;%d';
$lang['Stat_cache'] = 'cache:&nbsp;%.4fs';
$lang['Stat_db'] = 'db:&nbsp;%.4fs';
$lang['Stat_table'] = 'Table';
$lang['Stat_type'] = 'Type';
$lang['Stat_possible_keys'] = 'Possible keys';
$lang['Stat_key'] = 'Used key';
$lang['Stat_key_len'] = 'Key length';
$lang['Stat_ref'] = 'Ref.';
$lang['Stat_rows'] = 'Rows';
$lang['Stat_Extra'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Stat_Comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Stat_id'] = 'Id';
$lang['Stat_select_type'] = 'Select type';

// debug
$lang['dbg_location'] = 'Location';
$lang['dbg_line'] = 'Line';
$lang['dbg_file'] = 'File';
$lang['dbg_empty'] = 'Empty';
$lang['dbg_backtrace'] = 'Back trace';
$lang['dbg_requester'] = 'Requester';

// operand
$lang['Less'] = 'Less than';
$lang['Less_equal'] = 'Less or Equal to';
$lang['Equal'] = 'Equal to';
$lang['Greater_equal'] = 'Greater or Equal to';
$lang['Greater'] = 'Greater than';
$lang['Not_equal'] = 'Not equal to';

// topic title attribute
$lang['Topic_sub_type'] = 'Add a tag to the title';

// calendar
$lang['Topic_calendar'] = 'Event';

// access key commands (keyboard shortcuts)
$lang['cmd_submit'] = 's';
$lang['cmd_select'] = 's';
$lang['cmd_delete'] = 'x';
$lang['cmd_edit'] = 'e';
$lang['cmd_create'] = 'c';
$lang['cmd_cancel'] = 'a';
$lang['cmd_synchro'] = 'y';
$lang['cmd_add_group'] = 'g';
$lang['cmd_regen'] = 'r';
$lang['cmd_preview'] = 'p';
$lang['cmd_up'] = '-';
$lang['cmd_down'] = '+';
$lang['cmd_export'] = 'o';

// timezone
$lang['UTC_DST'] = 'UTC %s %s (DST in action)';
$lang['UTC'] = 'UTC %s %s';
$lang['dst'] = 'Yaz Saati';
$lang['dst_explain'] = 'Yazın 1 Saat Ekle';
$lang['tz_suggest'] = 'Synchronise';
$lang['tz_suggest_explain'] = 'Try to find your closest timezone';

lang_extend_auth_center.php [English]

Kod: Tümünü seç

 *						lang_extend_auth_center.php [English]
 *						-------------------------------------
 *	begin				: 26/10/2004
 *	copyright			: Ptirhiik
 *	email				: ptirhiik@clanmckeen.com
 *	version				: 0.0.8 - 21/08/2005

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
	die('Hacking attempt');

// group selection
$lang['Click_return_select_groups'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to groups selection.';
$lang['Select_groups'] = 'Select a group or a user';

// special groups
$lang['Group_own'] = 'Own user';
$lang['Group_own_desc'] = 'User acting on his profile';

// system groups
$lang['Board_founder'] = 'Main administrators';
$lang['Board_founder_desc'] = 'Main administrators';
$lang['Group_admin'] = 'Administrators';
$lang['Group_admin_desc'] = 'Users having the permissions to administrate the board';
$lang['Group_anonymous'] = 'Guests';
$lang['Group_anonymous_desc'] = 'Not registered users';
$lang['Group_registered'] = 'Registered users';
$lang['Group_registered_desc'] = 'All registered users';
$lang['No_such_group'] = 'This group does not exist';
$lang['Change_sysgroup_type_denied'] = 'This group has to be at least closed';
$lang['Manage_group_denied'] = 'You are not authorised to modify this group definition.';

// admin part
if ( $lang_extend_admin )
	$lang['Lang_extend_auth_center'] = 'Permissions Center';

	// complementary for group management
	$lang['Board_founder_explain'] = 'Note : the Main administrators group doesn\'t require any permissions to be set : it has already all authorised.';
	$lang['Delete_sysgroup_denied'] = 'You can not delete a system group';
	$lang['Change_sysgroup_denied'] = 'You can not change the system status of this group.';
	$lang['Unknown_group_sysstatus'] = 'Unknown system status';
	$lang['System_group'] = 'System group';

	// main panel name
	$lang['Panels_index'] = 'Panels index';
	$lang['phpbb_acp'] = 'phpBB Administration Panel';

	// direct entry for the menu
	$lang['Auths_Center'] = 'Auths Center';
	$lang['Control_panels'] = 'Control panels';
	$lang['10_Permissions_manager'] = 'Permissions/Manager';
	$lang['11_Permissions_managed'] = 'Permissions/Managed';

	// auth values
	$lang['Auth_not_authorised'] = ' -- ';
	$lang['Auth_authorised'] = 'Authorised';
	$lang['Auth_denied'] = 'Denied even if authorised';
	$lang['Auth_forced'] = 'Authorised even if denied';

	// forums auths list
	$lang['auth_view'] = 'View forum';
	$lang['auth_read'] = 'Read topics';
	$lang['auth_post'] = 'Create new topics';
	$lang['auth_reply'] = 'Reply to existing topics';
	$lang['auth_edit'] = 'Edit own posts';
	$lang['auth_delete'] = 'Delete own posts';
	$lang['auth_sticky'] = 'Create stickies';
	$lang['auth_announce'] = 'Create announcements';
	$lang['auth_global_announce'] = 'Create global announcement';
	$lang['auth_vote'] = 'Vote';
	$lang['auth_pollcreate'] = 'Create new polls';
	$lang['auth_mod'] = 'Can moderate the forum';
	$lang['auth_mod_display'] = 'Is displayed as a forum moderator';
	$lang['auth_attachments'] = 'Post Files';
	$lang['auth_download'] = 'Download Files';
	$lang['auth_manage'] = 'Can administrate';

	// panels auths list
	$lang['Access'] = 'Access the panel';

	// groups auths list
	$lang['ucp_edit_profile'] = 'Can edit profile';
	$lang['ucp_edit_privacy'] = 'Can edit privacy informations';
	$lang['ucp_edit_i18n'] = 'Can edit internationalisation options';
	$lang['ucp_edit_posting'] = 'Can edit posting options';
	$lang['ucp_edit_topicread'] = 'Can edit topic read options';
	$lang['ucp_edit_layout'] = 'Can edit board layout preferences options';

	// presets
	$lang['Auths_presets'] = 'Authorisations presets';
	$lang['Presets_not_found'] = 'Preset not found';
	$lang['Preset_name'] = 'Preset name';
	$lang['Preset_name_explain'] = 'Hitting export : if you use an existing name, the preset with this name will be updated ; if authorisations match an existing preset, the name of this preset will be updated ; in other cases, the preset will be created.';
	$lang['Export_preset'] = 'Export into a preset';
	$lang['Delete_preset'] = 'Delete this preset';
	$lang['Preset_changed'] = 'This authorisations set matches another preset : please verify the preset name and confirm you action.';
	$lang['Preset_name_empty'] = 'You must enter a preset name in order to achieve this action.';
	$lang['Preset_name_exists'] = 'This preset name is already used for another preset.';
	$lang['Preset_created'] = 'Preset created.';
	$lang['Preset_updated'] = 'Preset updated.';
	$lang['Preset_deleted'] = 'Preset deleted.';
	$lang['Submit_presets'] = 'Submit presets';

	// presets name
	$lang['Custom'] = 'Custom';
	$lang['None'] = ' -- none -- ';

	// forums
	$lang['Preset_read_post_vote'] = 'Read, post and vote';
	$lang['Preset_read_only'] = 'Read only';
	$lang['Preset_moderator'] = 'Moderate';
	$lang['Preset_moderator_hidden'] = 'Moderate (hidden)';
	$lang['Preset_admin'] = 'Administrate';
	$lang['Preset_guest_posting'] = 'Guest post and reply';

	// panels
	$lang['Preset_access'] = 'Access';

	// groups
	$lang['Preset_view'] = 'View';

	// generic return message
	$lang['Click_return_auths'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to permissions';
	$lang['No_objects'] = 'No object managed';

	// group selection
	$lang['Select_source_groups'] = 'Select a manager (User or Group)';
	$lang['Select_source_groups_explain'] = 'Select the group or the user you want to grant permissions to.';
	$lang['Select_target_groups'] = 'Select a user or a group to manage';
	$lang['Select_target_groups_explain'] = 'Select the group or the user you want to set permissions on.';

	// forum selection
	$lang['Click_return_select_forums'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to forums selection.';
	$lang['Select_target_forums'] = 'Select a forum';
	$lang['Select_target_forums_explain'] = 'Select the forum you want to give access to.';

	// panel selection
	$lang['Select_panels'] = 'Select a panel';
	$lang['Click_return_select_panels'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to panels selection.';
	$lang['Select_target_panels'] = 'Select a panel';
	$lang['Select_target_panels_explain'] = 'Select the panel you want to give access to.';
	$lang['Panel_name'] = 'Name';
	$lang['Panel_shortcut'] = 'Shortcut';

	// auth type & direction selection
	$lang['Auth_center'] = 'Permissions Center';
	$lang['Auth_center_explain'] = 'Here you will be able to edit permissions used by the board.';
	$lang['Click_return_auth_center'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Permissions Center';

	$lang['Select_auth_type_dir'] = 'Select Permission type and action';
	$lang['Auth_type'] = 'Permission type';
	$lang['Forum_auth_type'] = 'Forum';
	$lang['Panel_auth_type'] = 'Control panel';
	$lang['Group_auth_type'] = 'User or Group';

	$lang['Auth_direction'] = 'See permissions per';
	$lang['Manager'] = 'Manager (User or group)';
	$lang['Object_managed'] = 'Object managed (%s)';

	// overviews
	$lang['Panels_managed'] = 'Control panels managed';
	$lang['Forums_managed'] = 'Forums managed';
	$lang['Group_managed'] = 'User or Group Managed';
	$lang['Group_manager'] = 'User or Group Manager';
	$lang['No_groups'] = 'No groups or users have been choosen. Please click Add to add one.';
	$lang['Add_group'] = 'Add a new group or user';
	$lang['Usergroup_members_legend'] = '<b>Yetkiler:</b>&nbsp;<b>name</b> = this group has permissions';
	$lang['Group_members_legend'] = '<b>Yetkiler:</b>&nbsp;<b>name</b> = this user has individual permissions';

	// forums overview
	$lang['Click_return_overviewforums'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forums overview.';
	$lang['Overview_forums'] = 'Forums overview (per User or Group manager)';
	$lang['Overview_forums_explain'] = 'Here you can set permissions to the forums';
	$lang['Please_confirm'] = 'Please verify the inputs, then confirm your action';

	// panels overview
	$lang['Click_return_overviewpanels'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the panels overview.';
	$lang['Overview_panels'] = 'Panels overview (per User or Group manager)';
	$lang['Overview_panels_explain'] = 'Here you can set permissions to the panels';

	// groups overview
	$lang['Click_return_overviewgroups'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the groups overview.';
	$lang['Overview_groups'] = 'Groups overview (per User or Group manager)';
	$lang['Overview_groups_explain'] = 'Here you can set permissions to the groups';

	// forums reversed overviewed
	$lang['Click_return_overviewforums_rev'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forums reversed overview.';
	$lang['Overview_rev_forums'] = 'Forums reversed overview (per forum managed)';
	$lang['Overview_rev_forums_explain'] = 'Here you can manage the permissions of all the groups manager for the forum choosen.';

	// panels reversed overviewed
	$lang['Click_return_overviewpanels_rev'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the panels reversed overview.';
	$lang['Overview_rev_panels'] = 'Panels reversed overview (per panel managed)';
	$lang['Overview_rev_panels_explain'] = 'Here you can manage the permissions of all the groups for the panel choosen.';

	// groups reversed overviewed
	$lang['Click_return_overviewgroups_rev'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the groups reversed overview.';
	$lang['Overview_rev_groups'] = 'Groups reversed overview (per User or Group managed)';
	$lang['Overview_rev_groups_explain'] = 'Here you can manage the permissions of all the groups manager for the group choosen.';

	// edit forum auths details
	$lang['Click_return_edit_auth_forums'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forum permissions edition.';
	$lang['Edit_forums_auth'] = 'Forum permissions details';
	$lang['Edit_forums_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can define the permissions to set to this forum, and create, update or delete presets.';

	// edit panel auths details
	$lang['Click_return_edit_auth_panels'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the panel permissions edition.';
	$lang['Edit_panels_auth'] = 'Panel permissions details';
	$lang['Edit_panels_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can define the permissions to set to this panel, and create, update or delete presets.';
	$lang['No_such_panel'] = 'No such panel exists.';

	// edit group auths details
	$lang['Click_return_edit_auth_groups'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the group permissions edition.';
	$lang['Edit_groups_auth'] = 'Group permissions details';
	$lang['Edit_groups_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can define the permissions to set to this group, and create, update or delete presets.';

	// auths definitions
	$lang['Definition'] = 'Definition';
	$lang['Auths_definition'] = 'Permissions definition';
	$lang['Auths_definition_explain'] = 'Here you can edit, add or remove permissions fields';
	$lang['Click_return_auths_def'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to permission definition';
	$lang['Create_auths_def'] = 'Create a new permissions field';
	$lang['Create_auths_def_explain'] = 'Here you can create a new permission definition';
	$lang['Edit_auths_def'] = 'Edit a permission definition';
	$lang['Edit_auths_def_explain'] = 'Here you can edit the definition of a permission';
	$lang['Delete_auths_def'] = 'Delete permission definition';
	$lang['Delete_auths_def_explain'] = 'Here you can delete a permission definition';
	$lang['Import_auths_def'] = 'Import permissions definition';
	$lang['Select_auth_type'] = 'Select permission type';
	$lang['No_auths_def'] = 'No permissions created yet. <br />Please press "Create" to create a new one, <br />"Regen" to import existing ones.';
	$lang['No_such_auth_type'] = 'The permissions type you are requesting does not exist.';

	// importing auths defs and forums auths
	$lang['Forums_auths_def_imported'] = 'Forums permissions definitions have been imported.';
	$lang['Forums_auths_def_done'] = 'There were no new forums permissions definitions to import.';
	$lang['Forums_auths_imported'] = 'Forums permissions have been imported too.';
	$lang['Panels_auths_def_imported'] = 'Panels permissions definitions have been imported.';
	$lang['Panels_auths_def_done'] = 'There were no new panels permissions definitions to import.';
	$lang['Groups_auths_def_imported'] = 'Groups permissions definitions have been imported.';
	$lang['Groups_auths_def_done'] = 'There were no new groups permissions definitions to import.';

	// auths def detail
	$lang['No_such_auth_id'] = 'The permission you are requesting does not exist.';
	$lang['Auth_name'] = 'Permission name';
	$lang['Auth_name_explain'] = 'This is the symbolic name used to test the authorisation within the script.';
	$lang['Auth_desc'] = 'Permission description';
	$lang['Auth_title'] = 'Title';
	$lang['Auth_title_explain'] = 'Setting this field to yes will make it used as a title within the permissions lists.';
	$lang['Auth_order'] = 'Position this permission after';

	// update messages
	$lang['Auths_def_created'] = 'The permission definition has been added.';
	$lang['Auths_def_updated'] = 'The permission definition has been updated.';
	$lang['Auths_def_deleted'] = 'The permission definition has been deleted.';

Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 2493
Kayıt: 09.02.2006, 16:58
Konum: Denizli

Re: [İSTEK]mod-CH_214e

Mesaj gönderen VSaBaH »

lang_extend_categories_hierarchy.php dosyasını incelediniz mi?

Onu lang_extend_cat_hierarchy.php dosyasının yerine kullanabilirsiniz.
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 7
Kayıt: 06.12.2008, 11:29

Re: [İSTEK]mod-CH_214e

Mesaj gönderen I3arbar »

Öncelikle belirteyim phpbb plus türkçe dil doyaları ile aynı değil içeriğine baktım.
inceledim ve altına not da düştüm aynı değildir diye neyse zaten kendim az buçuk sözlükle ve anladığım kadarı ile çeviriyorum yinede teşekkürler.

“phpBB2 MOD Türkçeleştirme” sayfasına dön

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