Moved Topic Mail- Taşınmış başlığı, başlığı açana haber ver

phpBB 2.0.x sürümleri için geliştirilen ve yapım aşamasındaki Alpha, Beta MODlar & PreMODlar.
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Mesajlar: 2505
Kayıt: 01.04.2006, 02:33
Konum: smyrna

Moved Topic Mail- Taşınmış başlığı, başlığı açana haber ver

Mesaj gönderen cupra »

Kod: Tümünü seç

## MOD Title:       Moved_Topic_Mail
## MOD Author:      Wicher <N/A> (N/A)
## MOD Description: This mod will send an e-mail to the topicstarter when an admin or moderater 
##                  moves his topic to another location on the board. 
##                  The mail contains the topic title, the old forum where it was and the 
##                  new forum where it went. 
##                  Also the mail contains a link to the users profile so they can set the preferences 
##                  for this mail.
## MOD Version:     1.0.0 
## Installation Level: Easy 
## Installation Time: 10 Minutes ( 1 minute with easymod) 
## Files To Edit:  modcp.php 
##                 language/lang_main.php
##                 includes/usercp_register.php
##                 templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl
## Included Files:   topic_moved.tpl 
## License: GNU General Public License v2 
## For security purposes, please check: 
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked 
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee 
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support 
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which 
## can be found at 
## Author Notes:   
##		   This mod has been tested on phpbb 2.0.21 
## MOD History: 
## Submitted to phpbb 1.0.0 09-26-2006
## DEVelopment state 0.0.1 09-12-2006
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 

#-----[ DIY INSTRUCTIONS ]------------------------------------------ 
If you want a dutch version of topic_moved.tpl look in the install folder, you will find it in the directory language/lang_dutch/email
Copy it to language/lang_dutch/email/topic_moved.tpl
#-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------ 
# change phpbb_ to the database prefix you use
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users ADD user_topic_move_mail TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1';
#-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------ 
copy language/lang_english/email/topic_moved.tpl to language/lang_english/email/topic_moved.tpl
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
				// Sync the forum indexes
				sync('forum', $new_forum_id);
				sync('forum', $old_forum_id);

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
				// begin topic moved mailer by Wicher

				// making sure there is an end /
				if ($userdata['user_topic_move_mail'] == '1')
					$bcsp = rtrim($board_config['script_path'], '/');
					$bcsp = $bcsp . '/';
					// old forumname
					$sql = "SELECT f.forum_name, c.cat_title
						FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f, " . CATEGORIES_TABLE . " c 
						WHERE f.forum_id = $old_forum_id
						AND c.cat_id = f.cat_id";
					if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql, BEGIN_TRANSACTION)) )
						message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not select from forums or catagory table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
					if ($oldnamerow = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
						$oldcatname = $oldnamerow['cat_title'];
						$oldforumname = $oldnamerow['forum_name'];

					// new forumname
					$sql = "SELECT f.forum_name, c.cat_title
						FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f, " . CATEGORIES_TABLE . " c 
						WHERE f.forum_id = $new_forum_id
						AND c.cat_id = f.cat_id";
					if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql, BEGIN_TRANSACTION)) )
						message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not select from forums or catagory table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
					if ($newnamerow = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
						$newcatname = $newnamerow['cat_title'];
						$newforumname = $newnamerow['forum_name'];

					// topictitle, username, useremail
					$sql = "SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, u.username, u.user_email, u.user_lang 
							FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . USERS_TABLE . " u 
							WHERE t.topic_id IN ($topic_list)
							AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id";
					if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql, BEGIN_TRANSACTION)) )
						message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not select from topic or users table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
					$mailrow = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result);

					for($i = 0; $i < count($mailrow); $i++)
						include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/emailer.'.$phpEx);
						$emailer = new emailer($board_config['smtp_delivery']);
						$emailer->use_template('topic_moved', $mailrow[$i]['user_lang']);
							'SUBJECT' => $lang['topic_moved'],
							'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename'], 
							'BOARD_URL' => 'http://'.$board_config['server_name'].$board_config['script_path'],
							'TOPICPOSTER' => $mailrow[$i]['username'], 
							'TOPICTITLE' => $mailrow[$i]['topic_title'],
							'OLD_CATAGORIE_NAME' => $oldcatname, 
							'OLD_FORUM_NAME' => $oldforumname,
							'NEW_CATAGORIE_NAME' => $newcatname, 
							'NEW_FORUM_NAME' => $newforumname,
							'EMAIL_SIG' => (!empty($board_config['board_email_sig'])) ? str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $board_config['board_email_sig']) : '',
							'MOVED_URL' => 'http://'.$board_config['server_name'].$bcsp.'viewtopic.'.$phpEx.'?'.POST_TOPIC_URL.'='.$mailrow[$i]['topic_id'],
							'PROFILE_LINK' => 'http://'.$board_config['server_name'].$bcsp.'profile.'.$phpEx.'?mode=editprofile')
					// end topic moved mailer by Wicher

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
				$message = $lang['Topics_Moved'] . '<br /><br />';
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
'<br /><br />'
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
 . $lang['mail_send'] . '<br /><br />'
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
	if ( $mode == 'register' )
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
	$mail_on_topic_move = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['topic_move_mail']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['topic_move_mail']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : TRUE;
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
		$allowsmilies = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $userdata['user_allowsmile'];
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
		$mail_on_topic_move = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['topic_move_mail']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['topic_move_mail']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $userdata['user_topic_move_mail'];
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
# note: this is a partal search, the full line is longer.
SET " . $username_sql . $passwd_sql . "user_email = '"
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
user_email = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) ."'
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
, user_topic_move_mail = $mail_on_topic_move
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
# note: this is a partal search, the full line is longer.
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . USERS_TABLE . "	(user_id, username,
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
, user_email
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
, user_topic_move_mail 
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
# note: this is a partal search, the full line is longer.
VALUES ($user_id, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $username
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) . "'
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
, $mail_on_topic_move
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
	$allowsmilies = $userdata['user_allowsmile'];
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
	$mail_on_topic_move = $userdata['user_topic_move_mail'];
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES_YES' => ( $allowsmilies ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES_NO' => ( !$allowsmilies ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
		'TOPIC_MOVE_YES' => ( $mail_on_topic_move ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'TOPIC_MOVE_NO' => ( !$mail_on_topic_move ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
		'L_ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES' => $lang['Always_smile'],
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
		'L_TOPIC_MOVE' => $lang['topic_move'],
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
		<input type="radio" name="allowsmilies" value="0" {ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES_NO} />
		<span class="gen">{L_NO}</span></td>
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
	  <td class="row1"><span class="gen">{L_TOPIC_MOVE}:</span></td>
	  <td class="row2"> 
		<input type="radio" name="topic_move_mail" value="1" {TOPIC_MOVE_YES} />
		<span class="gen">{L_YES}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; 
		<input type="radio" name="topic_move_mail" value="0" {TOPIC_MOVE_NO} />
		<span class="gen">{L_NO}</span></td>
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
$lang['Total_votes'] = 'Total Votes';
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
// topic moved mailer by Wicher
$lang['topic_moved'] = 'A topic you created has been moved.';
$lang['mail_send'] = 'The topicstarter(s) has been / are notified trough e-mail .';
$lang['topic_move'] = 'Mail me when a topic, started by me, has been moved';

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ 
# EoM 
En son cupra tarafından 29.09.2006, 03:02 tarihinde düzenlendi, toplamda 1 kere düzenlendi.
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 2505
Kayıt: 01.04.2006, 02:33
Konum: smyrna

Mesaj gönderen cupra »

türkçe dil dosyasındaki değişiklik..

Kod: Tümünü seç

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$lang['Total_votes'] = 'Toplam Oylar';
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
// topic moved mailer tran. by cupra
$lang['topic_moved'] = 'Yarattığınız başlık forum yönetimince taşınmıştır.';
$lang['mail_send'] = 'Başlığı açanlara e-posta ile bilgi gönderilmiştir.';
$lang['topic_move'] = 'Benim tarafımdan açılan bir başlık taşındığında, e-posta ile beni bilgilendir';


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