[BETA] DHTML menu for overall header

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Mesajlar: 1664
Kayıt: 27.03.2006, 01:06
Konum: İstanbul

[BETA] DHTML menu for overall header

Mesaj gönderen Mirach »

Açıklama : demoda overall header ' daki linklerin üzerine geldiğinizde dhtml menüyü fark edebilirsiniz..

Demo : http://thunderncrew.com/phpbb2/index.php
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phpBB.com : http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=484040

Kod: Tümünü seç

## MOD Title: DHTML Menu In OverAll Header Mod 
## MOD Author: Thunder n Crew http://thunderncrew.com/ 
## MOD Description: Adds a simple text DHTML drop down the overall_header.tpl. 
## MOD Version: 0.0.0
## Installation Level: (Easy) 
## Installation Time: (varriable depending on your linking needs) 
## Files To Edit:  overall_header.tpl,
## Included Files: N/A just the instructions below
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2 
## Although MODs are checked before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee 
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support 
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which 
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: 
## I take no credit for the actual coding for any of this. Just offerin an easy DHTML menu for cluttered
## overall_headers for any noobs that may have a ton of mods installed and a million links in overall header.
## There may already be a mod for this but I didnt see any.
## Where it says MAIN NAME HERE it means the title of the header menu IE Profiles n More, Arcade n Games, etc
## Where it says ICON NAME HERE thats the name of the image to use for your links IF you wish to use image
## If not then simply delete all image coding.
## Where it says LINK TO PAGE HERE that is the address you wish to link them to
## Where it says PAGE DETAILS that is the actual clickable text link they will see
## MOD History: 
## This is a simple DHTML text bi-level drop down run mouse into header links to drop down
## a line of defined links for that header IE: Profiles n More Opens Edit Profile Upload To Photo Album etc.
## While Arcade n Games opens Flash Arcade, Virtual Casino, Lucky Dice, Etc.
## None of this is originol coding by me, it is merley use of gpl codes leave all copyrights in tact :)
##   2005-12-06 - Version 0.0.0
##      - Mod created 
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
Anywhere you wish to insert the menu.

#-----[ Wher You Want, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 
 Your edited version of the dhtml code
 The originol coding is below I edited its originol non image menu to include images :)
 or you will return javascript errors

<!-- note added by thundercrew simply add more containers by duplicating the last one then change its properties
MAKE SURE you change the showit() code to the next sequence IE showit(5) showit(6) 
and be sure to keep it on the SAME line -->

<font size="1" face="Verdana"><img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="index.php" class="mainmenu" onMouseover="showit(0)">MAIN NAME HERE </a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="index.php" onMouseover="showit(1)">MAIN NAME HERE</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="index.php" onMouseover="showit(2)">MAIN NAME HERE</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="index.php" onMouseover="showit(3)">MAIN NAME HERE</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="index.php" onMouseover="showit(4)">MAIN NAME HERE</a><br>

<!-- Edit the dimensions of the below, plus background color to suit your needs-->
<ilayer width=400 height=20 name="dep1" bgColor="#FFFFFF">
<layer name="dep2" width=400 height=20>
<div id="describe" style="background-color:#FFFFFF;width:400px;height:20px" onMouseover="clear_delayhide()" onMouseout="resetit(event)"></div>

<script language="JavaScript1.2">

Tabs Menu (mouseover)- By Dynamic Drive
For full source code and more DHTML scripts, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com
This credit MUST stay intact for use
edit to note by thundercrew "simply add more containers in sequence to add more if you added more containers above"

var submenu=new Array()

//Set submenu contents. Expand as needed. For each content, make sure everything exists on ONE LINE. Otherwise, there will be JS errors.
submenu[0]='<font size="1" face="Verdana"><b><img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> (SIMPLY ADD MORE IN THIS LINE IF NEEDED BY COPY LAST AND EDITING IT)  </b></font>'

submenu[1]='<font size="1" face="Verdana"><b><img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"><a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> (SIMPLY ADD MORE IN THIS LINE IF NEEDED BY COPY LAST AND EDITING IT) </b></font>'

submenu[2]='<font size="1" face="Verdana"><b><img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> (SIMPLY ADD MORE IN THIS LINE IF NEEDED BY COPY LAST AND EDITING IT) </b></font>'

submenu[3]='<font size="1" face="Verdana"><b><img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> (SIMPLY ADD MORE IN THIS LINE IF NEEDED BY COPY LAST AND EDITING IT) </b></font>'

submenu[4]='<font size="1" face="Verdana"><b><img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"> <a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> | <img src="templates/template name/images/ICON NAME HERE.gif" width="12" height="13"><a href="LINK TO PAGE HERE">PAGE DETAIL</a> (SIMPLY ADD MORE IN THIS LINE IF NEEDED BY COPY LAST AND EDITING IT) </b></font>'

//Set delay before submenu disappears after mouse moves out of it (in milliseconds)
var delay_hide=10

/////No need to edit beyond here

var menuobj=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("describe") : document.all? document.all.describe : document.layers? document.dep1.document.dep2 : ""

function showit(which){
thecontent=(which==-1)? "" : submenu[which]
if (document.getElementById||document.all)
else if (document.layers){

function resetit(e){
if (document.all&&!menuobj.contains(e.toElement))
else if (document.getElementById&&e.currentTarget!= e.relatedTarget&& !contains_ns6(e.currentTarget, e.relatedTarget))

function clear_delayhide(){
if (window.delayhide)

function contains_ns6(a, b) {
while (b.parentNode)
if ((b = b.parentNode) == a)
return true;
return false;


#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE THE FILE ]------------------------------------------ 
# Enjoy this space saver DHTML menu ThunderCrew
# EoM
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Mesajlar: 3062
Kayıt: 16.07.2006, 15:32
Konum: ağandon /

Mesaj gönderen pikachu »

çok hoşmuş yaa, bayıldım valla. :D
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Mesajlar: 3400
Kayıt: 08.04.2006, 22:02

Mesaj gönderen Dn_35 »

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