[MOD] smart Dates/ akıllı Tarih 1.0.1

[url=http://www.phpbbturkey.com/mods.html:34cnv4ga]phpBB 2.0.x MOD Veritabanımızda[/url:34cnv4ga] yayınlanan ve tarafınızca eklenen tüm yeni phpBB 2.0.x sürümleri için MODların duyuruları buradan yapılmaktadır. MODlar hakkında ihtiyacınız olan desteği lütfen [b:34cnv4ga]2.0.x MOD Destek[/b:34cnv4ga] forumuna başlık açarak sorunuz.
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Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 3062
Kayıt: 16.07.2006, 15:32
Konum: ağandon /

[MOD] smart Dates/ akıllı Tarih 1.0.1

Mesaj gönderen pikachu »

bu mod mesaj tarihlerini örneğin 07.03 diyedeğilde 2 gün önce veya 3 saat önce diye gösterir. biraz uzun ve bu kadar zahmete değermi bilmiyorum ama denemek isteyenler olabilir.

Kod: Tümünü seç

## MOD Title: Smart Dates
## MOD Author: eviL3 < evil@phpbbmodders.net > (Igor Wiedler) http://phpbbmodders.net
## MOD Description: This MOD will change time formating to "2 hours ago", "3 days ago", ect.
## MOD Version: 1.0.1
## Installation Level: Intermediate
## Installation Time: 15 Minutes
## Files To Edit:
##      groupcp.php,
##      index.php,
##      memberlist.php,
##      modcp.php,
##      posting.php,
##      privmsg.php,
##      search.php,
##      viewforum.php,
##      viewonline.php,
##      viewtopic.php,
##      admin/admin_board.php,
##      admin/admin_index.php,
##      admin/admin_users.php,
##      includes/functions.php,
##      includes/page_header.php,
##      includes/usercp_avatar.php,
##      includes/usercp_register.php,
##      includes/topic_review.php,
##      includes/usercp_viewprofile.php,
##      language/lang_english/lang_main.php,
##      templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl,
##      templates/subSilver/admin/board_config_body.tpl,
##      templates/subSilver/admin/user_edit_body.tpl
## Included Files: n/a
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2
## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
## Author Notes:
## This MOD was inspired for vBulletin, as i have seen this feature
## on a vB powered board. I'm not sure if it's a default feature, 
## but i like it. So i created it for phpBB. I hope you like it!
## There's some more info about how this MOD works in the contrib/docs/ folder. ;)
## There is also a manual located there, that explains how to use it.
## There is also a db_update.php script in the contrib/ folder, that you can
## use, if you don't know phpmyadmin. Just upload it to the root of your forum,
## visit it with your browser, and remove the file after the install.
## "Official" Support for this MOD can be obtained at either phpBBModders.org
## or at phpBB.com, but only in the release topic. You may get support elsewhere,
## but not from me, as i just don't have the time and energy. If you have a
## suggestion, post it at one of those two sites, or PM me. Or send me a mail.
## This MOD is distributed under the GPL, as stated above. You can find a copy
## in the contrib/docs/ folder, it's called gpl.txt. Open source ftw!
## MOD History:
##   2006-10-19 - Version 0.1.0
##      - Initial version
##   2006-12-03 - Version 0.1.1
##      - Added missing lang vars (thanks Mickroz)
##      - Changed lang code
##      - Recommented
##   2006-12-03 - Version 1.0.0
##      - Submitted to MODDB
##   2006-12-18 - Version 1.0.1
##      - Thanks to dan for testing
##      - Fixed some stuff
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD

#-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------

ALTER TABLE phpbb_users ADD user_smart_dates TINYINT NULL DEFAULT '1';
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smart_dates_allow', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('smart_dates_time', '1');

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$joined = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$last_post_time = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$joined = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$post_date = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$last_post_time = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'POST_DATE' => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$msg_date =  create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$post_date = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$msg_date =  create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'POST_DATE' => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$msg_date = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$post_date = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$first_post_time = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$last_post_time = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$first_post_time = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$last_post_time = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'LASTUPDATE' => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$post_date = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$poster_joined = ( $postrow[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS )
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
) : '';
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$l_edited_by = '<br /><br />' . 
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
), $postrow[$i]['post_edit_count']);
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
$smartdate_yes		= ( $new['smart_dates_allow'] ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$smartdate_no		= ( !$new['smart_dates_allow'] ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$smartdate_time_yes	= ( $new['smart_dates_time'] ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$smartdate_time_no	= ( !$new['smart_dates_time'] ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"L_ALLOW_NAME_CHANGE" => $lang['Allow_name_change'],
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
	'L_ENABLE_SMART_DATES'	=> $lang['Smart_dates_enable'],
	'L_SMART_DATES_TIME'	=> $lang['Smart_dates_time'],
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"NAMECHANGE_NO" => $namechange_no,
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
	'SMART_DATES_YES'		=> $smartdate_yes,
	'SMART_DATES_NO'		=> $smartdate_no,
	'SMART_DATES_TIME_YES'	=> $smartdate_time_yes,
	'SMART_DATES_TIME_NO'	=> $smartdate_time_no,
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$start_date = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"STARTED" => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"LASTUPDATE" => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"STARTED" => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
"LASTUPDATE" => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$allowsmilies = ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies']) ) ? intval( $HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies'] ) : $board_config['allow_smilies'];
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
		$smart_dates = ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS['smart_dates']) ) ? intval( $HTTP_POST_VARS['smart_dates'] ) : 0;
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
SET " . $username_sql . $passwd_sql . 
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
, user_allowsmile = $allowsmilies
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, user_smart_dates = $smart_dates
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$allowviewonline = $this_userdata['user_allow_viewonline'];
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
		$smart_dates = $this_userdata['user_smart_dates'];
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="dateformat" value="' . str_replace("\"", """, $user_dateformat) . '" />';
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
			$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="user_smart_dates" value="' . $smart_dates . '" />';
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'WEBSITE' => $website,

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
			'SMART_DATES_YES'	=> ( $smart_dates ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
			'SMART_DATES_NO'	=> ( !$smart_dates ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'L_ALLOW_AVATAR' => $lang['User_allowavatar'],

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
			'L_SMART_DATES'			=> $lang['Smart_dates_use'],
			'L_SMART_DATES_EXPLAIN'	=> $lang['Smart_dates_use_explain'],
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
function create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, $smart_dates = false
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
global $board_config, $lang;
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, $userdata
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
return ( !empty($translate) ) ? strtr(@gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz)), $translate) : @gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- delete
//return ( !empty($translate) ) ? strtr(@gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz)), $translate) : @gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
	if ( $smart_dates && $board_config['smart_dates_allow'] && $userdata['user_smart_dates'] )
		$use_time	= false;
		$now		= time();
		$diff		= $now - $gmepoch;
		$diff		= $diff + (3600 * $tz);
		switch ( true )
			case ( $diff < 60 ):
				$secs = gmdate('s', $diff);
				if ( substr($secs, 0, 1) == '0' )
					$secs = substr( $secs, 1 );
				$l_seconds	= ( $secs == 1 ) ? $lang['Smart_dates_second'] : $lang['Smart_dates_seconds'];
				$ret		= "$secs $l_seconds";
			case ( $diff < 3600 ):
				$mins = gmdate('i', $diff);
				if ( substr($mins, 0, 1) == '0' )
					$mins = substr( $mins, 1 );
				$l_mins	= ( $mins == 1 ) ? $lang['Smart_dates_minute'] : $lang['Smart_dates_minutes'];
				$ret	= "$mins $l_mins";
			case ( $diff < (3600 * 24) ):
				$hours		= gmdate('g', $diff);
				$l_hours	= ( $hours == 1 ) ? $lang['Smart_dates_hour'] : $lang['Hours'];
				$ret		= "$hours $l_hours";
				$use_time	= true;
			case ( $diff < (3600 * 24) * 2 ):
				$ret		= $lang['Smart_dates_yesterday'];
				$use_time	= true;
			case ( ($diff > (3600 * 24) * 3) && ($diff < (3600 * 24) * 7) ):
				$days		= gmdate('j', $diff);
				$ret		= $days . ' ' . $lang['Days'];
				$use_time	= true;
	if ( $ret )
		if( $ret != $lang['Smart_dates_yesterday'] )
			$ret = sprintf( $lang['Smart_dates_ago'], $ret );
		if ( $board_config['smart_dates_time'] && $use_time )
			$min_sec	= gmdate('g:i a', $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
			$ret		.= ' ' . sprintf( $lang['Smart_dates_at'], $min_sec );
		$ret = ( !empty($translate) ) ? strtr(@gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz)), $translate) : @gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));
	return $ret;
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$s_last_visit = ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
) : '';
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'RECORD_USERS' => sprintf($lang['Record_online_users'], $board_config['record_online_users'], create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
function display_avatar_gallery

#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
, &$session_id

#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, &$smart_dates
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$allowsmilies = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies'])
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
		$smart_dates = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['smart_dates']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['smart_dates']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : 0;
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$allowsmilies = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies'])
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
		$smart_dates = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['smart_dates']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['smart_dates']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $userdata['user_smart_dates'];
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
SET " . $username_sql . $passwd_sql .
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
, user_allowsmile = $allowsmilies
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, user_smart_dates = $smart_dates
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
, user_allowsmile
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, user_smart_dates
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
VALUES ($user_id
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
, $allowsmilies
#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, $smart_dates
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$allowsmilies = $userdata['user_allowsmile'];
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
$smart_dates = $userdata['user_smart_dates'];
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
, $userdata['session_id']

#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, $smart_dates
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// Visual Confirmation
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
	if ( $board_config['smart_dates_allow'] )
		$template->assign_block_vars( 'smart_dates', array() );
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES_NO' => ( !$allowsmilies ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
		'SMART_DATES_YES'	=> ( $smart_dates ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'SMART_DATES_NO'	=> ( !$smart_dates ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'L_ALWAYS_ADD_SIGNATURE' => $lang['Always_add_sig'],
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
		'L_SMART_DATES'			=> $lang['Smart_dates_use'],
		'L_SMART_DATES_EXPLAIN'	=> $lang['Smart_dates_use_explain'],
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$post_date = create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'JOINED' => create_date(
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
, true
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------

//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	/* Config */
	'Smart_dates_use'			=> 'Use smart dates',
	'Smart_dates_use_explain'	=> 'If this option is turned on, you will see how long ago a topic was posted instead of the date. If it\'s older than a week, the date will be displayed.',
	/* Options */
	'Smart_dates_enable'	=> 'Enable smart dates',
	'Smart_dates_time'		=> 'Add time to smart dates',
	/* Display */
	'Smart_dates_ago' 		=> '%s ago',
	'Smart_dates_at' 		=> 'at %s',
	'Smart_dates_yesterday'	=> 'Yesterday',
	/* Time strings */
	'Smart_dates_second'	=> 'Second',
	'Smart_dates_seconds'	=> 'Seconds',
	'Smart_dates_minute'	=> 'Minute',
	'Smart_dates_minutes'	=> 'Minutes',
	'Smart_dates_hour'		=> 'Hour',
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
		<input type="text" name="dateformat" value="{DATE_FORMAT}" maxlength="14" class="post" />
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
	<!-- BEGIN smart_dates -->
		<td class="row1">
			<span class="gen">{L_SMART_DATES}:</span><br />
			<span class="gensmall">{L_SMART_DATES_EXPLAIN}</span>
		<td class="row2">
			<label for="smart_dates_yes">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_yes" name="smart_dates" value="1" {SMART_DATES_YES} />
				<span class="gen">{L_YES}</span>&nbsp;
			<label for="smart_dates_no">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_no" name="smart_dates" value="0" {SMART_DATES_NO} />
				<span class="gen">{L_NO}</span>
	<!-- END smart_dates -->
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
		<td class="row2"><input type="radio" name="allow_namechange" value="1" {NAMECHANGE_YES} /> {L_YES}&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="allow_namechange" value="0" {NAMECHANGE_NO} /> {L_NO}</td>
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
		<td class="row1">
		<td class="row2">
			<label for="smart_dates_allow_yes">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_allow_yes" name="smart_dates_allow" value="1" {SMART_DATES_YES} /> {L_YES}&nbsp;
			<label for="smart_dates_allow_no">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_allow_no" name="smart_dates_allow" value="0" {SMART_DATES_NO} /> {L_NO}
		<td class="row1">
		<td class="row2">
			<label for="smart_dates_time_yes">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_time_yes" name="smart_dates_time" value="1" {SMART_DATES_TIME_YES} /> {L_YES}&nbsp;
			<label for="smart_dates_time_no">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_time_no" name="smart_dates_time" value="0" {SMART_DATES_TIME_NO} /> {L_NO}
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
		<input class="post" type="text" name="dateformat" value="{DATE_FORMAT}" maxlength="16" />
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
		<td class="row1">
			<span class="gen">{L_SMART_DATES}:</span><br />
			<span class="gensmall">{L_SMART_DATES_EXPLAIN}</span>
		<td class="row2">
			<label for="smart_dates_yes">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_yes" name="smart_dates" value="1" {SMART_DATES_YES} />
				<span class="gen">{L_YES}</span>&nbsp;
			<label for="smart_dates_no">
				<input type="radio" id="smart_dates_no" name="smart_dates" value="0" {SMART_DATES_NO} />
				<span class="gen">{L_NO}</span>
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM

Kod: Tümünü seç

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------

//-- mod : Smart Dates ------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
// translation to Turkish: ByRz&ByRz www.forumyok.com
// çeviri versiyonu 1.0.0 ---çeviri ile ilgili geribildirimlerinizi sitemiz üzerinden yapabilirsiniz. 
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	/* Config */
	'Smart_dates_use'			=> 'akıllı gün fonksiyonunu kullan',
	'Smart_dates_use_explain'	=> 'eğer bu opsiyon açılırsa direkty olarak tarih yerine 2 gün önce gibi ifadeler olacak. eğer bir haftadan daha uzun bir süreyse o zaman normal tarih görünecek.',
	/* Options */
	'Smart_dates_enable'	=> 'akıllı günler açık',
	'Smart_dates_time'		=> 'akıllı günlere zaman ekle',
	/* Display */
	'Smart_dates_ago' 		=> '%s önce',
	'Smart_dates_at' 		=> 'saat %s',
	'Smart_dates_yesterday'	=> 'Dün',
	/* Time strings */
	'Smart_dates_second'	=> 'saniye',
	'Smart_dates_seconds'	=> 'saniye',
	'Smart_dates_minute'	=> 'dakika',
	'Smart_dates_minutes'	=> 'dakika',
	'Smart_dates_hour'		=> 'saat',
//-- fin mod : Smart Dates --------------------------------------------------------
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 18
Kayıt: 21.03.2007, 15:23

Mesaj gönderen Kalorifer »

teşekkürler güzel birşey aslında ama dediğin gibi böyle küçük bir ayrıntıyla uğraşmak isteyen az olabilir. :)
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Mesajlar: 425
Kayıt: 10.10.2006, 21:09

Mesaj gönderen by-keskin »

Bunun sadece bugün yazılıysa bugün dün yazıldıysa dün yazı var mı?
Osmanbükü Köyü Web Sitesi www.OsmanBükü.Net
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Mesajlar: 2493
Kayıt: 09.02.2006, 16:58
Konum: Denizli

Mesaj gönderen VSaBaH »

by-keskin yazdı:Bunun sadece bugün yazılıysa bugün dün yazıldıysa dün yazı var mı?
Olmaz mı...? :D Hem o daha pratik tavsiye ederim...

:arrow: [MOD] Dün - Bugün


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Mesajlar: 99
Kayıt: 18.04.2007, 15:12

Mesaj gönderen cimbomlu »

Evet ya küçük bir ayrıntı için bu kadar editlemeye kalkmak çok koyar şahsen bana.Ben dün bugün kurdum gerçektende hem kolay hemde kullanışlı
Gençliğin buluşma noktası
Üye olun eğlenceye sağ tıklayın

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Mesajlar: 244
Kayıt: 22.04.2007, 06:37
Konum: istanbul

Mesaj gönderen eXspet »

cimbomlu yazdı:Evet ya küçük bir ayrıntı için bu kadar editlemeye kalkmak çok koyar şahsen bana.Ben dün bugün kurdum gerçektende hem kolay hemde kullanışlı
aynen :lol:
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Mesajlar: 35
Kayıt: 26.05.2007, 20:40
Konum: bursa

Re: [MOD] smart Dates/ akıllı Tarih 1.0.1

Mesaj gönderen semih016 »

bunu ezportaldaki son mesajlara uyarlasak..
Hep destek tam destek..

“2.0.x MOD Duyuruları” sayfasına dön

Kimler çevrimiçi

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