phpBB2 2.0.18 Lycos Kurulumu

phpBB 2.0.x kurulum ve çalıştırılmasında meydana gelen sorun ve problemler için buradan yardım alabilirsiniz.
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Mesajlar: 6
Kayıt: 10.12.2005, 12:35
Konum: ATL

phpBB2 2.0.18 Lycos Kurulumu

Mesaj gönderen bigboss »

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/functions.php:843) in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 258

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/functions.php:843) in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 259
phpBB : Critical Error

Could not open subSilver template config file


Line : 390
File : functions.php

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Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

templates/subSilver/ klasörü içerisindeki subSilver.cfg dosyasının adını subsilver.cfg olarak değiştirin."S" harfi büyük olmayacak.
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Mesajlar: 6
Kayıt: 10.12.2005, 12:35
Konum: ATL

Mesaj gönderen bigboss »

Düzeltim fakat şimdi bu mesaj var.

Kod: Tümünü seç

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/functions.php:843) in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 258

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/functions.php:843) in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 259
phpBB : Critical Error 

Could not open subSilver template config file


Line : 390
File : functions.php
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Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

Tekrar eski haline getirin dosyanın adındaki "S" harfi büyük kalsın. templates/subsilver/subSilver.cfg olacak tekrar.

Daha sonra templates/subsilver klasörünün adını subSilver olarak değiştirin."S" harfi büyük olacak.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 6
Kayıt: 10.12.2005, 12:35
Konum: ATL

Mesaj gönderen bigboss »

Kod: Tümünü seç

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/functions.php:843) in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 258

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/functions.php:843) in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 259

Parse error: parse error in /data/members/free/tripod/uk/t/i/t/tithacker/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/page_header.php on line 40

[ resmi görüntülemek için tıklayın ]
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Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

Bu sorun diğeri ile aynı değil. includes/page_header.php dosyasında problem var. Dosyanın 40. satırı çevresinde yazanları kopyalayın bakalım.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 6
Kayıt: 10.12.2005, 12:35
Konum: ATL

Mesaj gönderen bigboss »

Kod: Tümünü seç

= '4.0.4pl1' && ( strstr($useragent,'compatible') || strstr($useragent,'Gecko') ) ) { if ( extension_loaded('zlib') ) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } } else if ( $phpver > '4.0' ) { if ( strstr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') ) { if ( extension_loaded('zlib') ) { $do_gzip_compress = TRUE; ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); header('Content-Encoding: gzip'); } } } } // // Parse and show the overall header. // $template->set_filenames(array( 'overall_header' => ( empty($gen_simple_header) ) ? 'overall_header.tpl' : 'simple_header.tpl') ); // // Generate logged in/logged out status // if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) { $u_login_logout = 'login.'.$phpEx.'?logout=true&sid=' . $userdata['session_id']; $l_login_logout = $lang['Logout'] . ' [ ' . $userdata['username'] . ' ]'; } else { $u_login_logout = 'login.'.$phpEx; $l_login_logout = $lang['Login']; } $s_last_visit = ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $userdata['user_lastvisit'], $board_config['board_timezone']) : ''; // // Get basic (usernames + totals) online // situation // $logged_visible_online = 0; $logged_hidden_online = 0; $guests_online = 0; $online_userlist = ''; $l_online_users = ''; if (defined('SHOW_ONLINE')) { $user_forum_sql = ( !empty($forum_id) ) ? "AND s.session_page = " . intval($forum_id) : ''; $sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, u.user_allow_viewonline, u.user_level, s.session_logged_in, s.session_ip FROM ".USERS_TABLE." u, ".SESSIONS_TABLE." s WHERE u.user_id = s.session_user_id AND s.session_time >= ".( time() - 300 ) . " $user_forum_sql ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.session_ip ASC"; if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain user/online information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $userlist_ary = array(); $userlist_visible = array(); $prev_user_id = 0; $prev_user_ip = $prev_session_ip = ''; while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { // User is logged in and therefor not a guest if ( $row['session_logged_in'] ) { // Skip multiple sessions for one user if ( $row['user_id'] != $prev_user_id ) { $style_color = ''; if ( $row['user_level'] == ADMIN ) { $row['username'] = '' . $row['username'] . ''; $style_color = 'style="color:#' . $theme['fontcolor3'] . '"'; } else if ( $row['user_level'] == MOD ) { $row['username'] = '' . $row['username'] . ''; $style_color = 'style="color:#' . $theme['fontcolor2'] . '"'; } if ( $row['user_allow_viewonline'] ) { $user_online_link = '' . $row['username'] . ''; $logged_visible_online++; } else { $user_online_link = '' . $row['username'] . ''; $logged_hidden_online++; } if ( $row['user_allow_viewonline'] || $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN ) { $online_userlist .= ( $online_userlist != '' ) ? ', ' . $user_online_link : $user_online_link; } } $prev_user_id = $row['user_id']; } else { // Skip multiple sessions for one user if ( $row['session_ip'] != $prev_session_ip ) { $guests_online++; } } $prev_session_ip = $row['session_ip']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ( empty($online_userlist) ) { $online_userlist = $lang['None']; } $online_userlist = ( ( isset($forum_id) ) ? $lang['Browsing_forum'] : $lang['Registered_users'] ) . ' ' . $online_userlist; $total_online_users = $logged_visible_online + $logged_hidden_online + $guests_online; if ( $total_online_users > $board_config['record_online_users']) { $board_config['record_online_users'] = $total_online_users; $board_config['record_online_date'] = time(); $sql = "UPDATE " . CONFIG_TABLE . " SET config_value = '$total_online_users' WHERE config_name = 'record_online_users'"; if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update online user record (nr of users)', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $sql = "UPDATE " . CONFIG_TABLE . " SET config_value = '" . $board_config['record_online_date'] . "' WHERE config_name = 'record_online_date'"; if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update online user record (date)', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } } if ( $total_online_users == 0 ) { $l_t_user_s = $lang['Online_users_zero_total']; } else if ( $total_online_users == 1 ) { $l_t_user_s = $lang['Online_user_total']; } else { $l_t_user_s = $lang['Online_users_total']; } if ( $logged_visible_online == 0 ) { $l_r_user_s = $lang['Reg_users_zero_total']; } else if ( $logged_visible_online == 1 ) { $l_r_user_s = $lang['Reg_user_total']; } else { $l_r_user_s = $lang['Reg_users_total']; } if ( $logged_hidden_online == 0 ) { $l_h_user_s = $lang['Hidden_users_zero_total']; } else if ( $logged_hidden_online == 1 ) { $l_h_user_s = $lang['Hidden_user_total']; } else { $l_h_user_s = $lang['Hidden_users_total']; } if ( $guests_online == 0 ) { $l_g_user_s = $lang['Guest_users_zero_total']; } else if ( $guests_online == 1 ) { $l_g_user_s = $lang['Guest_user_total']; } else { $l_g_user_s = $lang['Guest_users_total']; } $l_online_users = sprintf($l_t_user_s, $total_online_users); $l_online_users .= sprintf($l_r_user_s, $logged_visible_online); $l_online_users .= sprintf($l_h_user_s, $logged_hidden_online); $l_online_users .= sprintf($l_g_user_s, $guests_online); } // // Obtain number of new private messages // if user is logged in // if ( ($userdata['session_logged_in']) && (empty($gen_simple_header)) ) { if ( $userdata['user_new_privmsg'] ) { $l_message_new = ( $userdata['user_new_privmsg'] == 1 ) ? $lang['New_pm'] : $lang['New_pms']; $l_privmsgs_text = sprintf($l_message_new, $userdata['user_new_privmsg']); if ( $userdata['user_last_privmsg'] > $userdata['user_lastvisit'] ) { $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_last_privmsg = " . $userdata['user_lastvisit'] . " WHERE user_id = " . $userdata['user_id']; if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update private message new/read time for user', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $s_privmsg_new = 1; $icon_pm = $images['pm_new_msg']; } else { $s_privmsg_new = 0; $icon_pm = $images['pm_new_msg']; } } else { $l_privmsgs_text = $lang['No_new_pm']; $s_privmsg_new = 0; $icon_pm = $images['pm_no_new_msg']; } if ( $userdata['user_unread_privmsg'] ) { $l_message_unread = ( $userdata['user_unread_privmsg'] == 1 ) ? $lang['Unread_pm'] : $lang['Unread_pms']; $l_privmsgs_text_unread = sprintf($l_message_unread, $userdata['user_unread_privmsg']); } else { $l_privmsgs_text_unread = $lang['No_unread_pm']; } } else { $icon_pm = $images['pm_no_new_msg']; $l_privmsgs_text = $lang['Login_check_pm']; $l_privmsgs_text_unread = ''; $s_privmsg_new = 0; } // // Generate HTML required for Mozilla Navigation bar // if (!isset($nav_links)) { $nav_links = array(); } $nav_links_html = ''; $nav_link_proto = '' . "\n"; while( list($nav_item, $nav_array) = @each($nav_links) ) { if ( !empty($nav_array['url']) ) { $nav_links_html .= sprintf($nav_link_proto, $nav_item, append_sid($nav_array['url']), $nav_array['title']); } else { // We have a nested array, used for items like that can occur more than once. while( list(,$nested_array) = each($nav_array) ) { $nav_links_html .= sprintf($nav_link_proto, $nav_item, $nested_array['url'], $nested_array['title']); } } } // Format Timezone. We are unable to use array_pop here, because of PHP3 compatibility $l_timezone = explode('.', $board_config['board_timezone']); $l_timezone = (count($l_timezone) > 1 && $l_timezone[count($l_timezone)-1] != 0) ? $lang[sprintf('%.1f', $board_config['board_timezone'])] : $lang[number_format($board_config['board_timezone'])]; // // The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point // in a template. // $template->assign_vars(array( 'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename'], 'SITE_DESCRIPTION' => $board_config['site_desc'], 'PAGE_TITLE' => $page_title, 'LAST_VISIT_DATE' => sprintf($lang['You_last_visit'], $s_last_visit), 'CURRENT_TIME' => sprintf($lang['Current_time'], create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], time(), $board_config['board_timezone'])), 'TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE' => $l_online_users, 'LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST' => $online_userlist, 'RECORD_USERS' => sprintf($lang['Record_online_users'], $board_config['record_online_users'], create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $board_config['record_online_date'], $board_config['board_timezone'])), 'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO' => $l_privmsgs_text, 'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD' => $l_privmsgs_text_unread, 'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_NEW_FLAG' => $s_privmsg_new, 'PRIVMSG_IMG' => $icon_pm, 'L_USERNAME' => $lang['Username'], 'L_PASSWORD' => $lang['Password'], 'L_LOGIN_LOGOUT' => $l_login_logout, 'L_LOGIN' => $lang['Login'], 'L_LOG_ME_IN' => $lang['Log_me_in'], 'L_AUTO_LOGIN' => $lang['Log_me_in'], 'L_INDEX' => sprintf($lang['Forum_Index'], $board_config['sitename']), 'L_REGISTER' => $lang['Register'], 'L_PROFILE' => $lang['Profile'], 'L_SEARCH' => $lang['Search'], 'L_PRIVATEMSGS' => $lang['Private_Messages'], 'L_WHO_IS_ONLINE' => $lang['Who_is_Online'], 'L_MEMBERLIST' => $lang['Memberlist'], 'L_FAQ' => $lang['FAQ'], 'L_USERGROUPS' => $lang['Usergroups'], 'L_SEARCH_NEW' => $lang['Search_new'], 'L_SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => $lang['Search_unanswered'], 'L_SEARCH_SELF' => $lang['Search_your_posts'], 'L_WHOSONLINE_ADMIN' => sprintf($lang['Admin_online_color'], '', ''), 'L_WHOSONLINE_MOD' => sprintf($lang['Mod_online_color'], '', ''), 'U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => append_sid('search.'.$phpEx.'?search_id=unanswered'), 'U_SEARCH_SELF' => append_sid('search.'.$phpEx.'?search_id=egosearch'), 'U_SEARCH_NEW' => append_sid('search.'.$phpEx.'?search_id=newposts'), 'U_INDEX' => append_sid('index.'.$phpEx), 'U_REGISTER' => append_sid('profile.'.$phpEx.'?mode=register'), 'U_PROFILE' => append_sid('profile.'.$phpEx.'?mode=editprofile'), 'U_PRIVATEMSGS' => append_sid('privmsg.'.$phpEx.'?folder=inbox'), 'U_PRIVATEMSGS_POPUP' => append_sid('privmsg.'.$phpEx.'?mode=newpm'), 'U_SEARCH' => append_sid('search.'.$phpEx), 'U_MEMBERLIST' => append_sid('memberlist.'.$phpEx), 'U_MODCP' => append_sid('modcp.'.$phpEx), 'U_FAQ' => append_sid('faq.'.$phpEx), 'U_VIEWONLINE' => append_sid('viewonline.'.$phpEx), 'U_LOGIN_LOGOUT' => append_sid($u_login_logout), 'U_GROUP_CP' => append_sid('groupcp.'.$phpEx), 'S_CONTENT_DIRECTION' => $lang['DIRECTION'], 'S_CONTENT_ENCODING' => $lang['ENCODING'], 'S_CONTENT_DIR_LEFT' => $lang['LEFT'], 'S_CONTENT_DIR_RIGHT' => $lang['RIGHT'], 'S_TIMEZONE' => sprintf($lang['All_times'], $l_timezone), 'S_LOGIN_ACTION' => append_sid('login.'.$phpEx), 'T_HEAD_STYLESHEET' => $theme['head_stylesheet'], 'T_BODY_BACKGROUND' => $theme['body_background'], 'T_BODY_BGCOLOR' => '#'.$theme['body_bgcolor'], 'T_BODY_TEXT' => '#'.$theme['body_text'], 'T_BODY_LINK' => '#'.$theme['body_link'], 'T_BODY_VLINK' => '#'.$theme['body_vlink'], 'T_BODY_ALINK' => '#'.$theme['body_alink'], 'T_BODY_HLINK' => '#'.$theme['body_hlink'], 'T_TR_COLOR1' => '#'.$theme['tr_color1'], 'T_TR_COLOR2' => '#'.$theme['tr_color2'], 'T_TR_COLOR3' => '#'.$theme['tr_color3'], 'T_TR_CLASS1' => $theme['tr_class1'], 'T_TR_CLASS2' => $theme['tr_class2'], 'T_TR_CLASS3' => $theme['tr_class3'], 'T_TH_COLOR1' => '#'.$theme['th_color1'], 'T_TH_COLOR2' => '#'.$theme['th_color2'], 'T_TH_COLOR3' => '#'.$theme['th_color3'], 'T_TH_CLASS1' => $theme['th_class1'], 'T_TH_CLASS2' => $theme['th_class2'], 'T_TH_CLASS3' => $theme['th_class3'], 'T_TD_COLOR1' => '#'.$theme['td_color1'], 'T_TD_COLOR2' => '#'.$theme['td_color2'], 'T_TD_COLOR3' => '#'.$theme['td_color3'], 'T_TD_CLASS1' => $theme['td_class1'], 'T_TD_CLASS2' => $theme['td_class2'], 'T_TD_CLASS3' => $theme['td_class3'], 'T_FONTFACE1' => $theme['fontface1'], 'T_FONTFACE2' => $theme['fontface2'], 'T_FONTFACE3' => $theme['fontface3'], 'T_FONTSIZE1' => $theme['fontsize1'], 'T_FONTSIZE2' => $theme['fontsize2'], 'T_FONTSIZE3' => $theme['fontsize3'], 'T_FONTCOLOR1' => '#'.$theme['fontcolor1'], 'T_FONTCOLOR2' => '#'.$theme['fontcolor2'], 'T_FONTCOLOR3' => '#'.$theme['fontcolor3'], 'T_SPAN_CLASS1' => $theme['span_class1'], 'T_SPAN_CLASS2' => $theme['span_class2'], 'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => $theme['span_class3'], 'NAV_LINKS' => $nav_links_html) ); // // Login box? // if ( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] ) { $template->assign_block_vars('switch_user_logged_out', array()); // // Allow autologin? // if (!isset($board_config['allow_autologin']) || $board_config['allow_autologin'] ) { $template->assign_block_vars('switch_allow_autologin', array()); $template->assign_block_vars('switch_user_logged_out.switch_allow_autologin', array()); } } else { $template->assign_block_vars('switch_user_logged_in', array()); if ( !empty($userdata['user_popup_pm']) ) { $template->assign_block_vars('switch_enable_pm_popup', array()); } } // Add no-cache control for cookies if they are set //$c_no_cache = (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_sid']) || isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_data'])) ? 'no-cache="set-cookie", ' : ''; // Work around for "current" Apache 2 + PHP module which seems to not // cope with private cache control setting if (!empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strstr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache/2')) { header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, pre-check=0, post-check=0'); } else { @header ('Cache-Control: private, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); 
@header ('Expires: 0'); 
@header ('Pragma: no-cache'); 


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Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

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Mesajlar: 6
Kayıt: 10.12.2005, 12:35
Konum: ATL

Mesaj gönderen bigboss »

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