[istek]SQL Backup

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[istek]SQL Backup

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$lang['SQL_Backup'] = 'SQL Backup';
$lang['SQL_Download'] = 'Download Backups';
$lang['SB_title'] = 'SQL Backup';
$lang['SB_compression'] = 'Compression method';
$lang['SB_compression_th'] = 'Select compression method';
$lang['SB_explain'] = 'You\'ll see a list with all table names which start with your phpBB table prefix below. The default phpBB tables have been checked already, but in case you installed MODs which created additional tables you might want to select those as well. All tables which have been checked will be included in the backup.<br /><br />The table names mentioned in bold do not belong to a standard phpBB installation and will be left out of the backup unless you place a check in front of them.';
$lang['SB_unwritable'] = 'Cannot write to the /admin/backups folder.<br />Make sure that the folder exists and that it has been CHMODed to 777';
$lang['SB_incompatible'] = 'The SQL Backup MOD is not compatible with the database type your board is using';
$lang['SB_download_title'] = 'Download backups';
$lang['SB_download_explain'] = 'Previously created backups are listed below. To download a backup to your local computer, select "Download" next to the backup which you want to download. In order to delete a backup from your server, click "Delete".';
$lang['SB_download_th_title'] = 'Previously created backups';
$lang['SB_download_datetime'] = 'Date - time';
$lang['SB_download_size'] = 'Size';
$lang['SB_download_action'] = 'Action';
$lang['SB_no_backups'] = 'No backups found';
$lang['SB_deleted'] = 'Backup file has successfully been removed<br /><br />Click %shere%s to return to the SQL Backup module';
$lang['SB_failed_deleting'] = 'Failed deleting %s';
$lang['SB_tasks_file_failed'] = 'Could not load tasks file';
$lang['SB_sql_file_failed'] = 'Could not create handle for SQL backup file';
$lang['SB_body_th'] = 'Create database backup';
$lang['SB_create'] = 'Create backup';
$lang['SB_select_all'] = 'Select all tables';
$lang['SB_deselect_all'] = 'Deselect all tables';
$lang['SB_creating_zipfile'] = 'Creating backup file...';
$lang['SB_processing_th'] = 'Creating backup';
$lang['SB_processing_title'] = 'The backup is being created, please be patient...';
$lang['SB_processing_explain'] = 'Do <b><u>not</u></b> close this window until the backup process has been completed';
$lang['SB_finished_msg'] = 'Backup successfully created!<br /><br />You may download it by clicking %shere%s';
$lang['SB_error_request'] = 'Could not make HTTP request to the server';
$lang['SB_error_parse'] = 'An error occured while parsing the data sent by the server. Click OK to try again, or Cancel to cancel the backup process. The data returned by server the server is as follows:';
$lang['SB_confirm_backup_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this backup file?';

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