Admin delete user with all postings modunun türkçesi lazım

phpBB2 için yapılan MODların dil dosyalarını Türkçeleştirme forumu.
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Mesajlar: 436
Kayıt: 19.08.2006, 18:48
Konum: Tokat

Admin delete user with all postings modunun türkçesi lazım

Mesaj gönderen melihonline »

işte lang dosyası

Kod: Tümünü seç

 *                            lang_user_delete.php
 *                            -------------------
 *   begin                : Saturday, Feb 28, 2006
 *   copyright            : (C) 2006 Sergei Sekirin
 *   email                :
 *   Description: lang file for MOD - Admin delete user with all postings
 *   $Id: userdel.php, v 1.0.5  2006/08/18 sergei-vs Exp $

$lang['user_is_deleted'] = 'User %s succesfully deleted!';
$lang['user_with_topics_deleted'] = 'User %s and all his (her) topics succesfully deleted!';
$lang['user_deleted_with_all_postings'] = 'User %s and all his (her) postings succesfully deleted!';
$lang['only_user_postings_deleted'] = 'All postings of the User %s were succesfully deleted!';

$lang['User_topics_deletion'] = 'Deletion of User topics';
$lang['with_all_topics']= 'and all his (her) topics';
$lang['with_all_postings']= 'and all his (her) postings';
$lang['Moderator_not_deletable'] = 'Not allowed deletion of admins, moderators and anonymous users.';

$lang['You_sure'] = 'User published <b>%d</b> topics and <b>%d</b> posts! <br><br>Are you sure to delete user <b>';
$lang['Sure_delete_only_postings'] = 'User published <b>%d</b> topics and <b>%d</b> posts!  <br><br> Are you sure to delete all postings of user <b>';

$lang['User_only'] = 'User only';
$lang['User_and_topics'] = 'User and his (her)topics';
$lang['User_and_all_postings'] = 'User with all postings';
$lang['User_stay_postings_delete'] = 'Only this User postings';

$lang['Deleted_u_topics'] = 'Deleted User started topics';
$lang['deleted_posts_in_user_topics'] = 'Posts Ids, deleted in User started topics';
$lang['num_of_other_users_in_u_topics'] = 'Users, whose posts found and deleted in User started topics';
$lang['num_deleted_posts_in_usertopics'] = 'Number of posts, deleted in User started topics';
$lang['num_of_deleted_user_topics'] = 'Total deleted User started topics';
$lang['num_forums_where_deleted_lastpost'] = 'Total forums, where last_post data resynced (as theirs posts were deleted)';
$lang['forums_with_new_last_posts'] = 'Forums, where last_post data resynced';
$lang['recynced_users_in_usertopics'] = 'Users, whose post counts recynced (as theirs posts were deleted in User started topics)';

$lang['deleted_posts_in_usertopics2'] = 'Deleted posts, where found this User posts and nothing else';
$lang['deleted_user_topics2'] = 'Deleted Topics, where found this User posts and nothing else';

$lang['all_other_uposts'] = 'Deleted user posts in other topics (the topics not to be deleted!)';
$lang['forums_with_new_last_posts_in_othertopics'] = 'Forums, where last_post data resynced after User posts in other topics were deleted';
$lang['No_other_uposts_in_other_topics']= 'Not found User posts in other topics';
$lang['topics_to_recync_first_or_lastpost'] = 'Topics, where last(or first)post data resynced (as theirs first-last posts were deleted)';

$lang['Simple_user_deletion'] = 'User deletion';
$lang['Resume_to_simple_user_deletion'] = '<b>%d</b> topics and <b>%d</b> posts of this User left on board after this User';

$lang['Click_return_to_authors'] = '%sBack to Memberlist%s';
$lang['Total'] = 'Total';

FORUM | FORUM 2 | İki insan açtır. Biri bilimi arayan, diğeri ise parayı...
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Mesajlar: 7
Kayıt: 29.10.2007, 11:30

Re: Admin delete user with all postings modunun türkçesi lazım

Mesaj gönderen ThE_JaCKaL »

1 sn kardeşim hemen çevirip veriyorum. ;)
Tr Çevirmen Adayı...!
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 7
Kayıt: 29.10.2007, 11:30

Re: Admin delete user with all postings modunun türkçesi lazım

Mesaj gönderen ThE_JaCKaL »

Tamamdır çevirdim lang. dosyası eklentide rahatlıkla kullanabilirsin. ;)
Dosya ekleri
(1.24 KiB) 269 kere indirildi
Tr Çevirmen Adayı...!
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Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 436
Kayıt: 19.08.2006, 18:48
Konum: Tokat

Re: Admin delete user with all postings modunun türkçesi lazım

Mesaj gönderen melihonline »

çok teşekkürler kardeş yardımın için ama bazı hatalar var dosyada
FORUM | FORUM 2 | İki insan açtır. Biri bilimi arayan, diğeri ise parayı...
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 7
Kayıt: 29.10.2007, 11:30

Re: Admin delete user with all postings modunun türkçesi lazım

Mesaj gönderen ThE_JaCKaL »

Ya aslında aceleye geldi biraz kötü oldu ftp de de çalışmadım sen onları tespit et bana bildir. ;) Halledelim. tamam
Tr Çevirmen Adayı...!

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