Ana Sayfada Son 10 Mesaj

phpBB 2.0.x sürümleri için yapılmasını istediğiniz veya arayıpta bulamadığınız MODları buraya yazabilirsiniz.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 11
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 18:28

Ana Sayfada Son 10 Mesaj

Mesaj gönderen oldjack »

arkadaşlar ben de ana sayfada gönderilen son 10 msjın yayınlanmasını istiyorum şimdden teşekkür ederim
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Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

Portal içinmi yoksa Forum index içinmi istiyorsunuz?
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 11
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 18:28

phpBB2.x - MOD İstekleri

Mesaj gönderen oldjack »

portal için istiyorum aslında ama forum indexe de ola bilir
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Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

ezPortal için:

Kod: Tümünü seç

#-----[ AÇ ]-------------------------------------------------------

#-----[ BUL ]-------------------
// Poll Forum ID: separate by comma for multi-forums, eg. '3,8,14'
$CFG['poll_forum'] = '1';

#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]---------------------------------------
// Number of Recent Topics (not Forum ID)
$CFG['number_recent_topics'] = '10';

// Excluding forums for Recent Topics, eg. '2,4,10' (note: my Recent Topics script has its own permission checking, so you can leave this variable blank)
$CFG['exceptional_forums'] = '';

#-----[ BUL ]---------------------------------------------
	$l_total_user_s = $lang['Registered_users_total'];

#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]---------------------------------------
// Recent Topics
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ". FORUMS_TABLE . " ORDER BY forum_id";
if (!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
	message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not query forums information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$forum_data = array();
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
	$forum_data[] = $row;

$is_auth_ary = array();
$is_auth_ary = auth(AUTH_ALL, AUTH_LIST_ALL, $userdata, $forum_data);

if( $CFG['exceptional_forums'] == '' )
	$except_forum_id = '\'start\'';
	$except_forum_id = $CFG['exceptional_forums'];

for ($i = 0; $i < count($forum_data); $i++)
	if ((!$is_auth_ary[$forum_data[$i]['forum_id']]['auth_read']) or (!$is_auth_ary[$forum_data[$i]['forum_id']]['auth_view']))
		if ($except_forum_id == '\'start\'')
			$except_forum_id = $forum_data[$i]['forum_id'];
			$except_forum_id .= ',' . $forum_data[$i]['forum_id'];
$sql = "SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_last_post_id, t.forum_id, p.post_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time, u.user_id, u.username
		FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " AS t, " . POSTS_TABLE . " AS p, " . USERS_TABLE . " AS u
		WHERE t.forum_id NOT IN (" . $except_forum_id . ")
			AND t.topic_status <> 2
			AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
			AND p.poster_id = u.user_id
		ORDER BY p.post_id DESC
		LIMIT " . $CFG['number_recent_topics'];
if (!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
	message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not query recent topics information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$number_recent_topics = $db->sql_numrows($result);
$recent_topic_row = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
	$recent_topic_row[] = $row;
for ($i = 0; $i < $number_recent_topics; $i++)
	$template->assign_block_vars('recent_topic_row', array(
		'U_TITLE' => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_POST_URL . '=' . $recent_topic_row[$i]['post_id']) . '#' .$recent_topic_row[$i]['post_id'],
		'L_TITLE' => $recent_topic_row[$i]['topic_title'],
		'U_POSTER' => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=" . $recent_topic_row[$i]['user_id']),
		'S_POSTER' => $recent_topic_row[$i]['username'],
		'S_POSTTIME' => create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $recent_topic_row[$i]['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone'])
// END - Recent Topics

#-----[ BUL ]---------------------------------------------
	'L_VOTE_BUTTON' => $lang['Vote'],

#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]----------------------------------------
	// Recent Topics
	'L_RECENT_TOPICS' => $lang['Recent_topics'],

#-----[ AÇ ]-------------------------------------------------------

#-----[ BUL ]---------------------------------------------
$lang['No_poll'] = 'No poll at the moment';

#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]----------------------------------------
$lang['Recent_topics'] = 'Recent topics'; // Recent Topics

#-----[ AÇ ]-------------------------------------------------------

#-----[ BUL ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ ÜSTÜNE EKLE ]----------------------------------------
$lang['Recent_topics'] = 'Son Başlıklar'; // Recent Topics

#-----[ AÇ ]-------------------------------------------------------

#-----[ BUL ]---------------------------------------------
		  <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="forumline">
			<td class="catHead" height="25"><span class="genmed"><b>{L_STATISTICS}</b></span></td>
			<td class="row1" align="left"><span class="gensmall">{TOTAL_USERS}<br />{NEWEST_USER}<br /><br/>{TOTAL_POSTS} {TOTAL_TOPICS}<br />&nbsp;</span></td>
		  <br />
# Kayan versiyon için
#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]----------------------------------------
	  <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="forumline">
		<td class="catHead" height="25"><span class="genmed"><b>{L_RECENT_TOPICS}</b></span></td>
		<td class="row1" align="left"><span class="gensmall">
		<marquee id="recent_topics" behavior="scroll" direction="up" height="200" scrolldelay="100" scrollamount="2">
		<!-- BEGIN recent_topic_row -->
		&raquo; <a href="{recent_topic_row.U_TITLE}" onMouseOver="document.all.recent_topics.stop()" onMouseOut="document.all.recent_topics.start()">{recent_topic_row.L_TITLE}</a><br />
		by <a href="{recent_topic_row.U_POSTER}" onMouseOver="document.all.recent_topics.stop()" onMouseOut="document.all.recent_topics.start()">{recent_topic_row.S_POSTER}</a> on {recent_topic_row.S_POSTTIME}<br /><br />
		<!-- END recent_topic_row -->
	  <br />
# Normal versiyon için
#-----[ VEYA ]------------------
	  <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="forumline">
		<td class="catHead" height="25"><span class="genmed"><b>{L_RECENT_TOPICS}</b></span></td>
		<td class="row1" align="left"><span class="gensmall">
		<!-- BEGIN recent_topic_row -->
		&raquo; <a href="{recent_topic_row.U_TITLE}">{recent_topic_row.L_TITLE}</a><br />
		by <a href="{recent_topic_row.U_POSTER}">{recent_topic_row.S_POSTER}</a> on {recent_topic_row.S_POSTTIME}<br /><br />
		<!-- END recent_topic_row -->
	  <br />

#-----[ TÜM DOSYALARI KAYDET KAPAT ]------------------------------------------ 
# EoF
Forum Ana Sayfa için:

Kod: Tümünü seç

## MOD Title:  Integrated Toplist
## MOD Author: buweichiu < > (Buwei Chiu)
## MOD Description: This will add Toplist on the index for those style that's hard to use OOHOO's ADV-TOP5.
## MOD Version: 1.0.3
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: 3 Minutes 
## Files To Edit: 
##	index.php
##	templates/subSilver/index_body.tpl
## Included Files: (N/A)
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: 
## Author Notes:
##	This mod is based on OOHOO's ADV-TOP5 2.1.0
## MOD History: 
##	2005-01-11 - Version 1.0.0
##		- inititla release
##	2005-01-12 - Version 1.0.1
##		- fix some message_die problem.
##	2005-01-16 - Version 1.0.2
##		- fix some Var. problem.
##	2005-01-19 - Version 1.0.3
##		- fix for PHP3 compatibility
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 

#-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

// Find which forums are visible for this user
$is_auth_ary = array();
$is_auth_ary = auth(AUTH_VIEW, AUTH_LIST_ALL, $userdata, $forum_data);

#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

// Integrated Toplist 1.0.3 by bu Based on OOHOO's ADV-TOP5 (20050119)
// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 
// To view a copy of this license, visit 

	// Option of Toplist Start

		// Topics text length 
		$MAX_STR_LEN = 60; 
		// Topics to display (Default: 5)
		$MAX_TOPICS = 5; 
		// 0 => users can see all topics including authorized issue(but they cant read the posts) 
		// 1 => users can see only authorized topics 

		// Order by 
		// topic_last_post_id (Default)
		// topic_replies 
		// topic_views 


	// Option of Toplist End

	function cutStr($str) { 
		global $MAX_STR_LEN; 
		$str = (strlen($str) > $MAX_STR_LEN) ? (substr($str, 0, $MAX_STR_LEN - 1) . "...") : $str; 
		return $str; 

	// Find which forums are visible for this user 
	$is_auth_ary_top5 = array(); 
	$is_auth_ary_top5 = auth(AUTH_READ, AUTH_LIST_ALL, $userdata); 

	$auth_forum_ary_top5 = array(); 

	// Get forum info 
	$sql = "SELECT forum_id FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE; 

	if( !$q_forums = $db->sql_query($sql) ) 
		message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Toplist ERROR: Fetch forum info fail', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 

	// Authorized forums info 
	while( $forum_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($q_forums) ) 
		$forum_id1 = $forum_row['forum_id']; 

		if( $is_auth_ary_top5[$forum_id1]['auth_read'] == 1) 
				array_push($auth_forum_ary_top5, $forum_id1); 
			} else {

	if( sizeOf($auth_forum_ary_top5) == 0 || !$AUTH_SECRUITY ) 
		$auth_forums_top5 = ""; 
		$auth_forums_top5 = 'AND f.forum_id IN('; 

		if(sizeOf($auth_forum_ary_top5) > 1) 
			$auth_forums_top5 .= implode (',', $auth_forum_ary_top5); 
			$auth_forums_top5 .= $auth_forum_ary_top5[0]; 

		$auth_forums_top5 .= ')'; 

	// query 
	$sql = "SELECT topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_views, topic_replies, topic_last_post_id, f.forum_id, forum_name 
	FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f 
	WHERE t.forum_id = f.forum_id 
	AND topic_moved_id = '0' 

	if( !$result = $db->sql_query($sql) ) 
		message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Toplist ERROR: Fetch topic info fail', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 

	// fetch rows 
	while( $rows = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) 
		$topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?t=" . $rows['topic_id']); 
		$forum_url = append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?f=" . $rows['forum_id']); 

		$topic_poster = $rows['topic_poster']; 
		$topic_last_post_id = $rows['topic_last_post_id']; 

		// Grab topic poster and last replier data 
		$sql = "SELECT post_username, user_id, username 
		FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . ", " . USERS_TABLE . " 
		WHERE topic_id = '" . $rows['topic_id'] . "' 
		AND poster_id = user_id 
		ORDER BY post_id LIMIT 0, 1"; 

		if( !$p_result = $db->sql_query($sql) ) 
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Toplist ERROR: Fetch topic poster fail', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 

		$p_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($p_result); 

		$poster_name = ( $topic_poster != ANONYMOUS ) ? $p_row['username'] : ( !$p_row['post_username'] ? $lang['Guest'] : $p_row['post_username']); 
		$poster_url = ( $topic_poster != ANONYMOUS && !$p_row['post_username'] ) ? ('<a href="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&u=$topic_poster") . '" target="_top">' . "$poster_name</a>") : $poster_name; 

		$sql = "SELECT post_username, user_id, username, post_time 
		FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . ", " . USERS_TABLE . " 
		WHERE post_id = '$topic_last_post_id' 
		AND poster_id = user_id"; 

		if( !$r_result = $db->sql_query($sql) ) 
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Toplist ERROR: Fetch topic last replier fail', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 

		$r_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($r_result); 

		$replier_id = $r_row['user_id']; 
		$replier_name = ( $replier_id != ANONYMOUS ) ? $r_row['username'] : ( !$r_row['post_username'] ? $lang['Guest'] : $r_row['post_username']); 
		$replier_url = ( $replier_id != ANONYMOUS && !$r_row['post_username'] ) ? ('<a href="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&u=$replier_id") . '" target="_top">' . "$replier_name</a>") : $replier_name; 

		$last_post_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?p=$topic_last_post_id#$topic_last_post_id"); 

		$template->assign_block_vars("toprow", array( 
			'FORUM_NAME' => $rows['forum_name'], 
			'FORUM_URL' => $forum_url, 
			'TOPIC' => cutStr($rows['topic_title']), 
			'TOPIC_URL' => $topic_url, 
			'TOPIC_VIEWS' => $rows['topic_views'], 
			'TOPIC_REPLIES' => $rows['topic_replies'], 
			'POST_TIME' => create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $r_row['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']), 
			'POSTER_URL' => $poster_url, 
			'REPLIER_URL' => $replier_url, 
			'LAST_POST_URL' => $last_post_url 

// Integrated Toplist 1.0.3 by bu Based on OOHOO's ADV-TOP5 (20050119) 

#-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

'L_POSTS' => $lang['Posts'],

#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

'ICON_URL' => $images['icon_latest_reply'],
'ICON_ALT' => $lang['View_latest_post'],
'L_AUTHOR' => $lang['Author'], 

#-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

<table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
	<td align="left" valign="top"><span class="gensmall">{L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN}</span></td>

#-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
 <td valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%" class="forumline">
	  <th align="center" class="thCornerL" width="20%">&nbsp;{L_FORUM}&nbsp;</th>
	  <th align="center" class="thTop" width="40%">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
	  <th align="center" class="thTop" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;{L_AUTHOR}&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
	  <th align="center" class="thTop" nowrap>&nbsp;{L_REPLIES}&nbsp;</th>
	  <th align="center" class="thTop" nowrap>&nbsp;{L_VIEWS}&nbsp;</th>
	  <th align="center" class="thCornerR" nowrap>&nbsp;{L_LASTPOST}&nbsp;</th>
	<!-- BEGIN toprow -->
 <td class="row1" nowrap><span class="forumlink"><a href="{toprow.FORUM_URL}" target="_top" class="forumlink">{toprow.FORUM_NAME}</a></span></td> 
 <td class="row2" nowrap><span class="topictitle"><a href="{toprow.TOPIC_URL}" target="_top" class="topictitle">{toprow.TOPIC}</a></span></td>
 <td class="row1" align="center" nowrap><span class="name">{toprow.POSTER_URL}</span></td>
 <td class="row2" align="center" nowrap><span class="postdetails">{toprow.TOPIC_REPLIES}</span></td>
 <td class="row1" align="center" nowrap><span class="postdetails">{toprow.TOPIC_VIEWS}</span></td>
 <td class="row2" align="center" nowrap><span class="postdetails">{toprow.POST_TIME}<br />{toprow.REPLIER_URL}&nbsp;<a href="{toprow.LAST_POST_URL}" target="_top"><img src="{ICON_URL}" border="0" alt="{ICON_ALT}" /></a></span></td>  
  <!-- END toprow -->

#-----[ TÜM DOSYALARI KAYDET/KAPAT ]------------------------------------------ 
# SoN 
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 11
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 18:28

Mesaj gönderen oldjack »

portal için olanı nukede kullana bilirmiyim ?
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Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

Hayır sitedeki tüm modlar phpBB içindir, nuke de hiçbirisi olmaz.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 10
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 22:30

Mesaj gönderen cadı »

benm 2 tane sitem vardı ve ikiside kapandı. şimdi bu kodları koyarsam kapanmaz dimi?
bide sadece forum için2. kodumu koyucam?
Kullanıcı avatarı
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Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

cadı sanırım sizinle anlaşamıyoruz.Mod yüzünden site neden kapansın?
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 11
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 18:28

Mesaj gönderen oldjack »

saol çok teşekkür ederim son bi şey daha sorcam phpbb portalı nereden bula bilirim :)
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Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE » adresinden phpBBplus'ı yükleyebilirsiniz.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 11
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 18:28

Mesaj gönderen oldjack »

saool teşekkür edrim v bultein de filan görüyorum şu hızlı mesaj var ya phpbbde de oyle bişey ola bilir mi ?
Kullanıcı avatarı
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Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

Evet, bu modu yüklerseniz başlıkların altına kolay cevap paneli yapabilirsiniz.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 11
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 18:28

Mesaj gönderen oldjack »

taNGo yazdı:Evet, bu modu yüklerseniz başlıkların altına kolay cevap paneli yapabilirsiniz.
saol bayadır calışan hızlı cevap arıyodum sen söyledin calışti abi acayip işime yaradı saol
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 11
Kayıt: 05.11.2005, 18:28

Mesaj gönderen oldjack »

Forum Ana Sayfa için:

## MOD Title: Integrated Toplist
## MOD Author: buweichiu < > (Buwei Chiu)
## MOD Description: This will add Toplist on the index for those style that's hard to use OOHOO's ADV-TOP5.
## MOD Version: 1.0.3
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: 3 Minutes
## Files To Edit:
## forums.html
## templates/subSilver/index_body.tpl
## Included Files: (N/A)
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at:
## Author Notes:
## This mod is based on OOHOO's ADV-TOP5 2.1.0
## MOD History:
## 2005-01-11 - Version 1.0.0
## - inititla release
## 2005-01-12 - Version 1.0.1
## - fix some message_die problem.
## 2005-01-16 - Version 1.0.2
## - fix some Var. problem.
## 2005-01-19 - Version 1.0.3
## - fix for PHP3 compatibility
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD

#-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------


tango forum ana sayfada olan forums.html yi bulamadım yoq galiba bende şimdi napcam
Kullanıcı avatarı
Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Web Sitesi Yöneticisi
Mesajlar: 6996
Kayıt: 18.09.2005, 20:51

Mesaj gönderen ESQARE »

onun yerinde index.php yi kullanın.

“2.0.x MOD İstekleri” sayfasına dön

Kimler çevrimiçi

Bu forumu görüntüleyen kullanıcılar: Bing [Bot] ve 7 misafir