[DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

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Mesajlar: 2426
Kayıt: 14.06.2008, 16:52
Konum: Nürnberg

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

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SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Incorrect string value: '\xB4s php...' for column 'template_data' at row 1 [1366]


INSERT INTO phpbb_styles_template_data (template_id, template_filename, template_included, template_mtime, template_data) VALUES ('5', 'posting_abbcode_buttons.html', '', 1235770545, '<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n// <![CDATA[\n\n/**\n* Default values for width and height values for the wizard pop-up window\n**/\nvar popup_width = 700;\nvar popup_height = 400;\n\n/**\n* Help line tips values\n**/\nvar help_line2 = {\n\n<!-- BEGIN abbc3_help -->\n \'{abbc3_help.TAG_NAME}\' : \"{abbc3_help.TAG_MOVER}\" + \" : {abbc3_help.TAG_TIP}\" + \" {abbc3_help.TAG_NOTE}\" + ( (\"{abbc3_help.TAG_EXAMPLE}\") ? \"\\n{L_ABBC3_EXAMPLE} : {abbc3_help.TAG_EXAMPLE}\" : \"\" ),\n<!-- END abbc3_help -->\n \n \'abbc3_font\' : \"{L_ABBC3_FONT_MOVER}\" + \"{L_ABBC3_FONT_TIP}\" + \'\\n\' + \"{L_ABBC3_FONT_NOTE}\",\n \'abbc3_size\' : \"{L_ABBC3_SIZE_MOVER}\" + \"{L_ABBC3_SIZE_TIP}\" + \'\\n\' + \"{L_ABBC3_SIZE_NOTE}\",\n \'abbc3_highlight\' : \"{L_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MOVER}\" + \"{L_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_TIP}\" + \'\\n\' + \"{L_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_NOTE}\",\n \'abbc3_color\' : \"{L_ABBC3_COLOR_MOVER}\" + \"{L_ABBC3_COLOR_TIP}\" + \'\\n\' + \"{L_ABBC3_COLOR_NOTE}\",\n\n \'abbc3_tip\' : \"{L_BBCODE_STYLES_TIP}\"\n}\n\n/**\n* Show help line tips\n**/\nfunction helpline2( help )\n{\n if ( !help )\n {\n help = \'abbc3_tip\';\n }\n\n var helpbox = document.forms[form_name].helpbox;\n\n helpbox.value = ( help_line2[help] ) ? help_line2[help] : help_line[help];\n}\n\n/**\n* Main function Apply bbcodes\n* based-of editor.js on function bbfontstyle(bbopen, bbclose)\n**/\nfunction bbstyle2( bbcode )\n{\n theSelection = false;\n\n var textarea = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name];\n\n textarea.focus();\n\n if ((clientVer >= 4) && is_ie && is_win)\n {\n /** Get text selection **/\n theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;\n }\n else if (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd && (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd - document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionStart > 0))\n {\n var selLength = textarea.textLength;\n var selStart = textarea.selectionStart;\n var selEnd = textarea.selectionEnd;\n var scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop;\n \n if (selEnd == 1 || selEnd == 2) \n {\n selEnd = selLength;\n }\n\n var s1 = (textarea.value).substring(0,selStart);\n var s2 = (textarea.value).substring(selStart, selEnd)\n var s3 = (textarea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);\n\n theSelection = s2\n }\n\n var theSelectionLength = theSelection.length;\n\n switch ( bbcode )\n {\n case \"abbc3_alignjustify\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[align=justify]\", \"[/align]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_alignright\":\n bbfontstyle( \"[align=right]\", \"[/align]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_aligncenter\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[align=center]\", \"[/align]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_alignleft\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[align=left]\", \"[/align]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_sup\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[sup]\", \"[/sup]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_sub\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[sub]\", \"[/sub]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_b\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[b]\", \"[/b]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_i\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[i]\", \"[/i]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_u\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[u]\", \"[/u]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_s\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[s]\", \"[/s]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_pre\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[pre]\", \"[/pre]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_tab\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[tab=30]\", \"\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_fade\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[fade]\", \"[/fade]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_dirrtl\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[dir=rtl]\", \"[/dir]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_dirltr\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[dir=ltr]\", \"[/dir]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_marqdown\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[marq=down]\", \"[/marq]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_marqup\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[marq=up]\", \"[/marq]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_marqleft\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[marq=left]\", \"[/marq]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_marqright\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[marq=right]\", \"[/marq]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_html\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[html]\", \"[/html]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_code\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[code]\", \"
\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_quote\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"
\", \"
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  • \", \"
\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_listo\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"
  1. \", \"
\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_listitem\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[*]\", \"\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_hr\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[hr]\", \"\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_imgshack\" :\n popup( \'http://imageshack.us/\', 800, 600 );\n break;\n\n/** Custom bbcodes - Start **/\n\n case \"abbc3_mod\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[mod=\\\"{S_POST_AUTHOR}\\\"]\", \"[/mod]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_offtopic\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[offtopic]\", \"[/offtopic]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_dm\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[dm]\", \"[/dm]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_gamespot\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[gamespot]\", \"[/gamespot]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_gametrailers\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[gametrailers]\", \"[/gametrailers]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_ignvideo\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[ignvideo]\", \"[/ignvideo]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_putfile\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[Putfile]\", \"[/Putfile]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_liveleak\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[liveleak]\", \"[/liveleak]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_nfo\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[nfo]\", \"[/nfo]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_glow\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[glow=red]\", \"[/glow]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_shadow\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[shadow=blue]\", \"[/shadow]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_dropshadow\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[dropshadow=blue]\", \"[/dropshadow]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_blur\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[blur=blue]\", \"[/blur]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_wave\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[wave=blue]\", \"[/wave]\" );\n break;\n case \"abbc3_search\" :\n bbfontstyle( \"[search]\", \"[/search]\" );\n break;\n\n/** Custom bbcodes - End **/\n\n/** This bbcodes needs wizard - Start **/\n case \"abbc3_url\" :\n case \"abbc3_ed2k\" :\n case \"abbc3_email\" :\n case \"abbc3_web\" :\n case \"abbc3_img\" :\n case \"abbc3_thumbnail\" :\n case \"abbc3_upload\" :\n case \"abbc3_rapidshare\" :\n case \"abbc3_testlink\" :\n case \"abbc3_click\" :\n case \"abbc3_table\" :\n case \"deezer\" :\n /** This bbcodes needs extra data **/\n case \"abbc3_bbvideo\" :\n case \"abbc3_flash\" :\n case \"abbc3_flv\" :\n case \"abbc3_video\" :\n case \"abbc3_quicktime\" :\n case \"abbc3_ram\" :\n /** Web videos bbcodes **/\n case \"abbc3_stream\" :\n case \"abbc3_stage6\" :\n case \"abbc3_veoh\" :\n case \"abbc3_collegehumor\" :\n case \"abbc3_gvideo\" :\n case \"abbc3_youtube\" :\n /** Gradient needs his own function **/\n case \"abbc3_grad\" :\n\n /** Extra Custom bbcodes - Start **/\n\n /** Extra Custom bbcodes - End **/\n if ( bbcode == \"abbc3_grad\" )\n {\n if (theSelection == \'\' || typeof theSelection == \'undefined\' || theSelection == null)\n {\n alert( \"abbc3_grad : {L_ABBC3_GRAD_MIN_ERROR}\" + theSelectionLength );\n return;\n }\n\n if ( theSelectionLength > 120 )\n {\n alert(\"abbc3_grad : {L_ABBC3_GRAD_MAX_ERROR}\" + theSelectionLength);\n return;\n }\n }\n else if ( ( bbcode != \"abbc3_table\" ) && ( bbcode != \"abbc3_upload\" ) )\n {\n if (theSelection)\n {\n bbcode_extra = ( bbcode == \'abbc3_bbvideo\' \n || bbcode == \'abbc3_flash\' \n || bbcode == \'abbc3_flv\'\n || bbcode == \'abbc3_video\'\n || bbcode == \'abbc3_quicktime\'\n || bbcode == \'abbc3_ram\'\n ) ? \' {S_ABBC3_VIDEO_width},{S_ABBC3_VIDEO_height}\' : ( bbcode == \'abbc3_web\') ? \' 100%,100\' : \'\';\n \n if ( bbcode == \"abbc3_ed2k\" )\n {\n bbcode = \"abbc3_url\";\n }\n \n bbcode = bbcode.replace( \"abbc3_\" , \"\");\n bbfontstyle( \'[\' + bbcode + bbcode_extra + \']\', \'[/\' + bbcode + \']\', \'\');\n return ;\n }\n }\n\n var popup_url = \'{S_ABBC3_WIZARD_PAGE}\' + \'&abbc3=\' + bbcode + \'&form_name=\' + form_name + \'&text_name=\' + text_name;\n popup( popup_url, popup_width, popup_height );\n break;\n/** This bbcodes needs wizard - End **/\n\n case \"abbc3_plain\" :\n if (theSelection == \'\' || typeof theSelection == \'undefined\' || theSelection == null)\n {\n alert ( \"{L_ABBC3_NOSELECT_ERROR}\" );\n return;\n }\n else\n {\n var tempSelection = theSelection.replace(/\\[[^\\]]*\\]/gi,\"\");\n\n if ( ( clientVer >= 4 ) && is_ie && is_win )\n {\n document.selection.createRange().text = tempSelection;\n }\n else if ( textarea.selectionEnd && ( textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart > 0 ) )\n {\n textarea.value = s1 + tempSelection + s3;\n\n textarea.selectionStart = selEnd + open.length + close.length;\n textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart;\n }\n }\n break;\n case \"abbc3_cut\" :\n if (theSelection == \'\' || typeof theSelection == \'undefined\' || theSelection == null)\n {\n alert ( \"{L_ABBC3_NOSELECT_ERROR}\" );\n return;\n }\n else\n {\n if ( ( clientVer >= 4 ) && is_ie && is_win )\n {\n document.selection.createRange().text = \'\';\n }\n else if ( textarea.selectionEnd && ( textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart > 0 ) )\n {\n var selStart = textarea.selectionStart;\n var selEnd = textarea.selectionEnd;\n textarea.value = (textarea.value).substring(0,selStart) + (textarea.value).substring( selEnd, selLength );\n }\n }\n break;\n case \"abbc3_copy\" :\n if (theSelection == \'\' || typeof theSelection == \'undefined\' || theSelection == null)\n {\n alert ( \"{L_ABBC3_NOSELECT_ERROR}\" );\n return;\n }\n else\n {\n copy_paste = theSelection;\n }\n break;\n case \"abbc3_paste\" :\n if ( copy_paste )\n {\n bbfontstyle( copy_paste, \'\' );\n }\n else\n {\n alert ( \"{L_ABBC3_PASTE_ERROR}\" );\n }\n break;\n\n/** Else should be a phpbb3 custom bbcode from ACP, so let�s phpbb3 take care of it **/\n default :\n bbfontstyle( \"[\"+bbcode+\"]\", \"[/\"+bbcode+\"]\" );\n break;\n }\n\n theSelection = \'\';\n}\n\n/**\n* Dropdown Color pallette for highlight text & font text\n**/\nfunction ABBCcolorPalette( bbcode )\n{\n var r = 4, g = 4, b = 4;\n var numberList = new Array(6);\n var color = \'\';\n\n numberList[0] = \'00\';\n numberList[1] = \'40\';\n numberList[2] = \'80\';\n numberList[3] = \'BF\';\n numberList[4] = \'FF\';\n\n for ( r = 4; r > -1; r-- )\n {\n for ( g = 4; g > -1; g-- )\n {\n for ( b = 4; b > -1; b-- )\n {\n color = String(numberList[r]) + String(numberList[g]) + String(numberList);\n if ( bbcode == \'abbc3_color\')\n {\n document.write( \'<option style=\"color:#\' + color + \'\" value=\"\' + color + \'\" >#\' + color + \'</option>\' );\n }\n else\n {\n document.write( \'<option style=\"background-color:#\' + color + \'\" value=\"\' + color + \'\" >#\' + color + \'</option>\' );\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n* Resize a textbox - START\n* Original function by Disturbed One (http://www.hvmdesign.com/)\n**/\nfunction textbox_resize( pix )\n{\n var cookie = document.forms[form_name].elements[\'{S_ABBC3_COOKIE_NAME}\'];\n var box = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name];\n var new_height = (parseInt(box.style.height) ? parseInt(box.style.height) : 300) + pix;\n\n if ( parseInt(cookie.value) != 0 && (typeof pix != \'number\' || parseInt(pix) == 0 ) )\n {\n new_height = parseInt(cookie.value) + \'px\';\n }\n \n if (parseInt(new_height) > 0)\n {\n box.style.height = parseInt(new_height) + \'px\';\n cookie.value = parseInt(new_height);\n }\n return false;\n}\n/** Resize a textbox - END **/\n\n/**\n* Install the safety net - START\n**/\nif (window.onload_functions) // prosilver\n{\n onload_functions[onload_functions.length] = \"textbox_resize();\";\n}\nelse if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != \"undefined\") // DOM\n{\n window.addEventListener(\"load\", textbox_resize, false);\n}\nelse if (typeof(window.attachEvent) != \"undefined\") // MSIE\n{\n window.attachEvent(\"onload\", textbox_resize);\n}\n/** Install the safety net - END **/\n\n// ]]>\n</script>\n\n <table id=\"abbc3posttable\" width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n <tr align=\"{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}\">\n <td <!-- IF S_ABBC3_BG -->style=\'background: url(\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/bg/{S_ABBC3_BG}\");\'<!-- ELSE -->class=\"cat<!-- ENDIF --> valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\">\n <span class=\"abbc3_link\">\n <a href=\"{S_ABBC3_HELP_PAGE}\" rel=\"external\" onclick=\"externalLinks(this);\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_HELP_TITLE}\" ><img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/help.gif\" alt=\"{L_ABBC3_HELP_TITLE}\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_HELP_TITLE}\" /></a>\n <a href=\"http://www.mssti.com/phpbb3/\" rel=\"external\" onclick=\"externalLinks(this);\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_HELP_ALT}\" ><img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/info.gif\" alt=\"{L_ABBC3_HELP_ALT}\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_HELP_ALT}\" /></a>\n </span>\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_BOXRESIZE -->\n <input type=\"button\" value=\" + \" class=\"btnlite\" onclick=\"textbox_resize(10);\" />&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" value=\" - \" class=\"btnlite\" onclick=\"textbox_resize(-10);\" />\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n \n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_FONT -->\n <select id=\"abbc3_font\" name=\"abbc3_font\" onchange=\"bbfontstyle(\'[font=\' + this.form.abbc3_font.options[this.form.abbc3_font.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/font]\'); this.form.abbc3_font.selectedIndex = 0\" onmouseover=\"helpline2(\'abbc3_font\')\" onmouseout=\"helpline2()\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_FONT_MOVER}\">\n <option selected=\"selected\" >- {L_ABBC3_FONT_MOVER} -</option>\n <optgroup label=\"- {L_ABBC3_FONT_ABBC3} -\">\n <option style=\"font-family: Bradley Hand ITC;\" value=\"Bradley Hand ITC\" >Bradley Hand ITC</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Century Gothic;\" value=\"Century Gothic\" >Century Gothic</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Curlz MT;\" value=\"Curlz MT\">Curlz MT</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: cursive;\" value=\"cursive\">Cursive</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: fantasy;\" value=\"fantasy\">Fantasy</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: French Script MT;\" value=\"French Script MT\">French Script MT</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Garamond;\" value=\"Garamond\">Garamond</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Garamond Bold;\" value=\"Garamond Bold\">Garamond Bold</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Goudy Stout;\" value=\"Goudy Stout\">Goudy Stout</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Helvetica;\" value=\"Helvetica\">Helvetica</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: monospace;\" value=\"monospace\">Monospace</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: OCR A Extended;\" value=\"OCR A Extended\">OCR A Extended</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Script MT Bold;\" value=\"Script MT Bold\">Script MT Bold</option>\n </optgroup>\n <!-- http://typetester.maratz.com/ -->\n <optgroup label=\"- {L_ABBC3_FONT_SAFE} -\">\n <option style=\"font-family: Arial;\" value=\"Arial\">Arial</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Arial Black;\" value=\"Arial Black\">Arial Black</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Comic Sans MS;\" value=\"Comic Sans MS\">Comic Sans MS</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Courier New;\" value=\"Courier New\">Courier New</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Georgia;\" value=\"Georgia\">Georgia</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Impact;\" value=\"Impact\">Impact</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Times New Roman;\" value=\"Times New Roman\">Times New Roman</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS;\" value=\"Trebuchet MS\">Trebuchet MS</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Verdana;\" value=\"Verdana\">Verdana</option>\n </optgroup>\n <optgroup label=\"- {L_ABBC3_FONT_WIN} -\">\n <option style=\"font-family: Lucida Console;\" value=\"Lucida Console\">Lucida Console</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Lucida Sans Unicode;\" value=\"Lucida Sans Unicode\">Lucida Sans Unicode</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Microsoft Sans Serif;\" value=\"Microsoft Sans Serif\">Microsoft Sans Serif</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: MS Mincho;\" value=\"MS Mincho\">MS Mincho</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Palatino Linotype;\" value=\"Palatino Linotype\">Palatino Linotype</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Symbol;\" value=\"Symbol\">Symbol</option>\n <option style=\"font-family: Tahoma;\" value=\"Tahoma\">Tahoma</option>\n </optgroup>\n </select>\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_SIZE -->\n <select id=\"abbc3_size\" name=\"abbc3_size\" onchange=\"bbfontstyle(\'[size=\' + this.form.abbc3_size.options[this.form.abbc3_size.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/size]\'); this.form.abbc3_size.selectedIndex = 0;\" onmouseover=\"helpline2(\'abbc3_size\')\" onmouseout=\"helpline2()\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_SIZE_MOVER}\">\n <option selected=\"selected\" >- {L_ABBC3_SIZE_MOVER} -</option>\n <option style=\"font-size:50%\" value=\"50\">{L_FONT_TINY}</option>\n <option style=\"font-size:85%\" value=\"85\">{L_FONT_SMALL}</option>\n <option style=\"font-size:100%\" value=\"100\">{L_FONT_NORMAL}</option>\n <option style=\"font-size:150%\" value=\"150\">{L_FONT_LARGE}</option>\n <option style=\"font-size:200%\" value=\"200\">{L_FONT_HUGE}</option>\n <option style=\"font-size:300%\" value=\"300\">{L_ABBC3_FONT_GIANT}</option>\n </select>\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT -->\n <select id=\"abbc3_highlight\" name=\"abbc3_highlight\" onchange=\"bbfontstyle(\'[highlight=#\' + this.form.abbc3_highlight.options[this.form.abbc3_highlight.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/highlight]\'); this.form.abbc3_highlight.selectedIndex = 0;\" onmouseover=\"helpline2(\'abbc3_highlight\')\" onmouseout=\"helpline2()\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MOVER}\">\n <option selected=\"selected\" >- {L_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MOVER}- </option>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n // <![CDATA[\n ABBCcolorPalette(\'abbc3_highlight\');\n // ]]>\n </script>\n </select>\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n \n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_COLOR -->\n <select id=\"abbc3_color\" name=\"abbc3_color\" onchange=\"bbfontstyle(\'[color=#\' + this.form.abbc3_color.options[this.form.abbc3_color.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/color]\'); this.form.abbc3_color.selectedIndex = 0;\" onmouseover=\"helpline2(\'abbc3_color\')\" onmouseout=\"helpline2()\" title=\"{L_ABBC3_COLOR_MOVER}\">\n <option selected=\"selected\" >- {L_ABBC3_COLOR_MOVER}- </option>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n // <![CDATA[\n ABBCcolorPalette(\'abbc3_color\');\n // ]]>\n </script>\n </select>\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<!-- BEGIN abbc3_tags -->\n <!-- IF abbc3_tags.S_ABBC3_BREAK -->\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB and not abbc3_tags.S_FIRST_ROW -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr align=\"{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}\">\n <td <!-- IF S_ABBC3_BG -->style=\'background: url(\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/bg/{S_ABBC3_BG}\");\'<!-- ELSE -->class=\"cat bg3<!-- ENDIF --> valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\">\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ELSEIF abbc3_tags.S_ABBC3_DIVISION-->\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ELSE -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/{abbc3_tags.TAG_SRC}\" class=\"btnbbcode3 editor_Button\" onclick=\"bbstyle2(\'{abbc3_tags.TAG_NAME}\')\" onmouseover=\"helpline2(\'{abbc3_tags.TAG_NAME}\')\" onmouseout=\"helpline2()\" alt=\"{abbc3_tags.TAG_MOVER}\" title=\"{abbc3_tags.TAG_MOVER}\" id=\"{abbc3_tags.TAG_NAME}\" />\n <!-- ENDIF --> \n<!-- END abbc3_tags -->\n\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </td>\n </tr>\n\n <!-- IF .custom_tags -->\n <tr align=\"{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}\">\n <td <!-- IF S_ABBC3_BG -->style=\'background: url(\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/bg/{S_ABBC3_BG}\");\'<!-- ELSE -->class=\"cat<!-- ENDIF --> valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\">\n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n \n <!-- BEGIN custom_tags -->\n <input style=\"margin:8px 0 4px 0;\" type=\"button\" class=\"btnlite\" name=\"addbbcode{custom_tags.BBCODE_ID}\" value=\"{custom_tags.BBCODE_TAG}\" onclick=\"bbstyle({custom_tags.BBCODE_ID})\" title=\"{custom_tags.BBCODE_TIPLINE}\"<!-- IF custom_tags.BBCODE_HELPLINE !== \'\' --> onmouseover=\"helpline(\'cb_{custom_tags.BBCODE_ID}\')\" onmouseout=\"helpline2()\"<!-- ENDIF --> />\n <!-- END custom_tags -->\n \n <!-- IF S_ABBC3_TAB -->\n <img src=\"{S_ABBC3_PATH}/images/dots.gif\" alt=\"\" class=\"btnbbcode3 dot\" />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </td>\n </tr>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <tr>\n <td<!-- IF S_ABBC3_COLOR and not ($S_SIGNATURE and not S_EDIT_DRAFT) --> colspan=\"2\"<!-- ENDIF --> style=\"width: 100%;\"><textarea readonly=\"readonly\" id=\"helpbox\" name=\"helpbox\" rows=\"4\" cols=\"110\" class=\"helpline\">{L_STYLES_TIP}</textarea></td>\n <!-- IF not S_ABBC3_COLOR and not ($S_SIGNATURE and not S_EDIT_DRAFT) -->\n <td class=\"genmed\" align=\"center\" style=\"white-space: nowrap\">{L_FONT_COLOR}</td>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </tr>\n \n </table>\n {S_ABBC3_HIDDEN_FIELDS}')


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/functions_template.php
LINE: 85
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/template.php
LINE: 376
CALL: template_compile->_tpl_load_file()

FILE: includes/template.php
LINE: 603
CALL: template->_tpl_load()

FILE: includes/functions_template.php
LINE: 197
CALL: template->_tpl_include()

FILE: includes/template.php
LINE: 358
CALL: template_compile->compile()

FILE: includes/template.php
LINE: 181
CALL: template->_tpl_load()

FILE: includes/functions.php
LINE: 3869
CALL: template->display()

FILE: posting.php
LINE: 1381
CALL: page_footer()

Lütfen mesaj panosu yöneticisine ya da webmaster’a bildirin: affetmeyen_emre@hotmail.com
Powered by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group [/code]

cevaba git diyince de

Kod: Tümünü seç

Genel Hata
Could not load abbcode template
hatası veriyor.. subsilver2 tabanlı bir tema kullanıyorum ve subsilver2 ile alakalı değişiklikleri yapmadan evvel şu uyarıyı gördüm

Kod: Tümünü seç


Before made any changes, makes sure your template is stored into "filesystem"
ACP -> STYLES -> STYLE COMPONENTS -> Templates : subsilver2 -> Details

If you do not want to change from "Database" to "Filesystem",
you must do next changes within your ACP :
ACP -> STYLES -> STYLE COMPONENTS -> Templates : subsilver2 -> Edit

ama veritabanından dosya sistemine çeviremiyorum sorun burda olabilir mi?

galiba bu sorunun cözümü yok ben eski serverimde böyle hata oluyordu php ayari eksik veya birsey vardi ama neyaptiysam düzelmemisti modu kaldirmalisiniz yoksa bu hatadan kurtulamassiniz veya Mod yazarin sitesine bi bakin belki orda vardir birseyler

Başlangiç Bilgileri phpBB 3.0.x :: 3.1.x
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 10
Kayıt: 25.02.2009, 01:19

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen affetmicem »

anladım.. yedeğini almıştım.. peki bu tarz başka BBcode mod lar var mı acaba?

sağa , sola , ortala falan yok çok eksik bir durum..
digital kadir
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 5
Kayıt: 31.05.2007, 09:34

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen digital kadir »

moda herhangi bir sorun yok ben su an kulaniyorum
yönetim panelinde modu aktiv etmeyi unutma
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 40
Kayıt: 22.10.2007, 14:07
Konum: erzurum

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen ABDÜLHEY »

/includes/bbcode.php on line 22 bu hatayı alıyorum o satırda aynen şöyle

Kod: Tümünü seç

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id: bbcode.php 8953 2008-09-28 17:08:09Z acydburn $
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

// MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (V1.0.11) - Start if (!class_exists('abbcode')) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/abbcode.' . $phpEx); } /** * BBCode class * @package phpBB3 */ class bbcode extends abbcode // MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (V1.0.11) - end 

	var $bbcode_uid = '';
	var $bbcode_bitfield = '';
	var $bbcode_cache = array();
	var $bbcode_template = array();
Kullanıcı avatarı
Özcan Akbulut
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 2426
Kayıt: 14.06.2008, 16:52
Konum: Nürnberg

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen Özcan Akbulut »

ABDÜLHEY yazdı:/includes/bbcode.php on line 22 bu hatayı alıyorum o satırda aynen şöyle

Kod: Tümünü seç

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id: bbcode.php 8953 2008-09-28 17:08:09Z acydburn $
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

// MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (V1.0.11) - Start if (!class_exists('abbcode')) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/abbcode.' . $phpEx); } /** * BBCode class * @package phpBB3 */ class bbcode extends abbcode // MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (V1.0.11) - end 

	var $bbcode_uid = '';
	var $bbcode_bitfield = '';
	var $bbcode_cache = array();
	var $bbcode_template = array();
sitende hic Imzalar görünmüyor? (phpBB.com, Türkce Ceviri, Stil Imzasi)

Başlangiç Bilgileri phpBB 3.0.x :: 3.1.x
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 40
Kayıt: 22.10.2007, 14:07
Konum: erzurum

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen ABDÜLHEY »

EsmerÖzcan yazdı:
ABDÜLHEY yazdı:/includes/bbcode.php on line 22 bu hatayı alıyorum o satırda aynen şöyle

Kod: Tümünü seç

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id: bbcode.php 8953 2008-09-28 17:08:09Z acydburn $
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

// MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (V1.0.11) - Start if (!class_exists('abbcode')) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/abbcode.' . $phpEx); } /** * BBCode class * @package phpBB3 */ class bbcode extends abbcode // MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (V1.0.11) - end 

	var $bbcode_uid = '';
	var $bbcode_bitfield = '';
	var $bbcode_cache = array();
	var $bbcode_template = array();
sitende hic Imzalar görünmüyor? (phpBB.com, Türkce Ceviri, Stil Imzasi)
seo modu yüzündendi şimdi var kardeş
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 113
Kayıt: 06.01.2009, 23:11

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen DostlarClup »

Yükleme paneli bomboş cıktı bende.. resimdeki gibi.
ve suanda posting alanında yeni abbcode den eser yok. nerde hata yapmıs olabilirim acaba?

mesaj yazmak ve okumak istedigimde bu hatayı alıyorum

Kod: Tümünü seç

Genel Hata
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Unknown column 'abbcode' in 'where clause' [1054]


SELECT bbcode_id, bbcode_tag, bbcode_helpline FROM phpbb_bbcodes WHERE display_on_posting = 1 AND abbcode = 0 ORDER BY bbcode_tag


FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 163
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/functions_display.php
LINE: 886
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: includes/prime_quick_reply.php
LINE: 256
CALL: display_custom_bbcodes()

FILE: viewtopic.php
LINE: 1635
CALL: prime_quick_reply->display_form()
[ resmi görüntülemek için tıklayın ]
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 175
Kayıt: 08.01.2009, 09:35

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen camfanus06 »

arkadaşlar ben modu kurdum en başta çalıştı sonra install dosyasında sürümü yükselt die bi seçenek vardı bende yüksetiyim dedim ama bi daha çalışmadı yani cevap yazalınan yel bi daha gelmedi hiç bi hata da vermedi soeun ne olabilir.
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 78
Kayıt: 10.09.2007, 06:00
Konum: Calisan , Düsünen

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen CitLemBiK »

camfanus06 yazdı:arkadaşlar ben modu kurdum en başta çalıştı sonra install dosyasında sürümü yükselt die bi seçenek vardı bende yüksetiyim dedim ama bi daha çalışmadı yani cevap yazalınan yel bi daha gelmedi hiç bi hata da vermedi soeun ne olabilir.
1.0.9'dan sonra köprünün altindan cok sular akti , biraz incelemeni ve güncel versiyonlarini ve ilgili yardim destek sitelerini gezmeni öneririm... :)
"Doğrular ve yanlışlar yoktur, sadece yorumlar vardır." (Wilhelm Friedrich Nietsche)
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 468
Kayıt: 25.02.2008, 11:00
Konum: Koltuk

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen malt »

Modu kurdum ama sonrasında çeşitli yerlerde hata aldım. Boş bi zamanımda daha çok kafa yorarım artık. [ resmi görüntülemek için tıklayın ]
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 102
Kayıt: 06.10.2006, 21:48

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen Matt »

Dostlar mod inmiyor yani indirme linki yok veya ben mi göremiyorum bilmiyorum, yardım edermisiniz?
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 113
Kayıt: 06.01.2009, 23:11

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen DostlarClup »

Matt yazdı:Dostlar mod inmiyor yani indirme linki yok veya ben mi göremiyorum bilmiyorum, yardım edermisiniz?
görmemiş olmana cok sasırdım halbuki bariz orda duruyor :)
buyur direkt link.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 102
Kayıt: 06.10.2006, 21:48

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen Matt »

DostlarClup yazdı:
Matt yazdı:Dostlar mod inmiyor yani indirme linki yok veya ben mi göremiyorum bilmiyorum, yardım edermisiniz?
görmemiş olmana cok sasırdım halbuki bariz orda duruyor :)
buyur direkt link.

Bence şaşırma çünkü verdiğin link çalışmıyor.

You are not authorised to download this attachment.
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 468
Kayıt: 25.02.2008, 11:00
Konum: Koltuk

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen malt »

Link çalışıyor ancak indirebilmek için foruma üye olmanız gerekmektedir.
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 113
Kayıt: 06.01.2009, 23:11

Re: [DEV] [3.0.1] Advanced BBcode box 1.0.9

Mesaj gönderen DostlarClup »

anlasıldıgı üzere linkte sorun yok, kendim upload etmek istemiyorum. lütfen sizde mssti.com a üye olarak orjinal dosyayı indiriniz.

“3.0.x MOD Duyuruları” sayfasına dön

Kimler çevrimiçi

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