[mod] türkçe level mod tamamen türkçe

[url=http://www.phpbbturkey.com/mods.html:34cnv4ga]phpBB 2.0.x MOD Veritabanımızda[/url:34cnv4ga] yayınlanan ve tarafınızca eklenen tüm yeni phpBB 2.0.x sürümleri için MODların duyuruları buradan yapılmaktadır. MODlar hakkında ihtiyacınız olan desteği lütfen [b:34cnv4ga]2.0.x MOD Destek[/b:34cnv4ga] forumuna başlık açarak sorunuz.
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Mesajlar: 22
Kayıt: 11.05.2008, 11:19

[mod] türkçe level mod tamamen türkçe

Mesaj gönderen brainomer »

Kod: Tümünü seç

##      www.futbolizle.co.cc bedava lig tv
## yükleme seviyesi         : kolay
## yaklaşık yükleme süresi  : 10 dakika
## düzenlencek dosyalar     : 4
##  includes/usercp_viewprofile.php
##  /viewtopic.php
##  templates/senin teman/viewtopic_body.tpl
##  templates/senin teman/profile_view_body.tpl
## ftp'ye yüklenecek dosyalar: Upload to themes/YOUR_THEME/forums/images/
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_fil.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filexp_bar_fil_end.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filexp_bar_left.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filhp_bar_fil.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filhp_bar_fil_end.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filhp_bar_left.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_fillevel_bar_emp.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_fillevel_bar_right.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filmp_bar_fil.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filmp_bar_fil_end.gif
## images/levelmod/exp_bar_filmp_bar_left.gif
## www.futbolizle.co.cc bedava lig tv izleyin

#-----[ dosyayı aç ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ ara ( ctrl+f) ]------------------------------------------

$search = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Search_user_posts'] . '</a>';

#-----[ arkasına ekle ]------------------------------------------

/* Begin HP/MP/EXP Mod
 * Note: all new variables used created in this mod
 * are prefixed with level_ to be sure of not overwriting
 * other variables.

/* Calculate Level
 * A user's level is determined by their total number of posts.
 * A nice mathmatical formula is used to translate their post count
 * into an intager level.
 * Note: A user with zero (0) posts is considered level 0, however
 * making one (1) post, raises them to level 1.

if($profiledata['user_posts'] < 1)
        $level_level = 0;
        $level_level = floor( pow( log10( $profiledata['user_posts'] ), 3 ) ) + 1;

/* Determine Hit Points (HP)
 * Hp is based on user activity.
 * Max HP is based on the user's level, and will generally
 * be the same for all users of the same level.
 * A user's current HP is based on the user's posts per day.
 * A higher post per day (ppd), the more HP they will have. A
 * user with an average PPD (set below) will have 50% of their
 * max HP. As a user goes over the average PPD, they will have
 * more HP, but the gains will decrease as the user's PPD increases.
 * This makes achieving 100% hp difficult, but not impossible.
 * For users with under the average PPD, they will have HP equal
 * to 1/2 the percentage their ppd is of the average.
 * ie- a user with 2.5 ppd, and an average ppd of 5 will have
 * 25% of their max HP. This is because 2.5 is 50% of 5, and 1/2
 * of that, is 25%.
 * Users who manage to post so far above the average that they have
 * more HP than their max will recieve a bonus to their max HP.
 * Note that users at level 0 will always have 0 / 0 hp.

 * This value determines the 'average' posts per day.
 * The admin may redefine this variable as he wishes.
 * Higher values will generally decrease users' HP, and
 * lower values will generally increase users' HP.
 * Note: Do NOT set this value to zero (0).
 * This -may- be set to a fractional value (eg, 5.1, 3.1415)

$level_avg_ppd = 5;

 * this value sets how hard it is to achieve 100%
 * hp. The higher you set it, the harder it is to
 * get full hp.
 * to judge how high to set it, a user must have
 * posts per day equal to the $level_avg_ppd plus
 * the number set below.
 * This should NOT be zero.

$level_bonus_redux = 5;

if($level_level < 1)
        $level_hp = "0 / 0";
        $level_hp_percent = 0;
        $level_max_hp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (1.5) );

        if($posts_per_day >= $level_avg_ppd)
                $level_hp_percent = floor( (.5 + (($posts_per_day - $level_avg_ppd) / ($level_bonus_redux * 2)) ) * 100);
                $level_hp_percent = floor( $posts_per_day / ($level_avg_ppd / 50) );

        if($level_hp_percent > 100)
                //Give the user a bonus to max HP for greater than 100% hp.
                $level_max_hp += floor( ($level_hp_percent - 100) * pi() );
                $level_hp_percent = 100;
                $level_hp_percent = max(0, $level_hp_percent);

        $level_cur_hp = floor($level_max_hp * ($level_hp_percent / 100) );

        //Be sure a user has no more than max, and no less than zero hp.
        $level_cur_hp = max(0, $level_cur_hp);
        $level_cur_hp = min($level_max_hp, $level_cur_hp);

        $level_hp = $level_cur_hp . ' / ' . $level_max_hp;

/* Determine MP
 * MP is calculated by how long the user has been around
 * and how often they post.
 * Max MP is based on level, and increases with level
 * Each post a user makes costs them mp,
 * and a user regenerates mp proportional to how
 * many days they have been registered

//Number of days the user has been at the forums.
$level_user_days = max(1, round( ( time() - $profiledata['user_regdate'] ) / 86400 ));

/* The mp cost for one post.
 * Raising this value will generally decrease the current
 * mp for most posters.
 * This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 2, 2.1, 3.141596)
 * This should NOT be set to 0
$level_post_mp_cost = 2.5;

/* This determines how much mp a user regenerates per day
 * Raising this value will generally increase the current
 * mp for most posters.
 * This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 3, 3.5, 2.71828)
 * This should NOT be set to 0
$level_mp_regen_per_day = 4;

if($level_level < 1)
        $level_mp = '0 / 0';
        $level_mp_percent = 0;
        $level_max_mp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (pi()) );

        $level_mp_cost = $profiledata['user_posts'] * $level_post_mp_cost;
        $level_mp_regen = max(1, $level_user_days * $level_mp_regen_per_day);

        $level_cur_mp = floor($level_max_mp - $level_mp_cost + $level_mp_regen);
        $level_cur_mp = max(0, $level_cur_mp);
        $level_cur_mp = min($level_max_mp, $level_cur_mp);

        $level_mp = $level_cur_mp . ' / ' . $level_max_mp;
        $level_mp_percent = floor($level_cur_mp / $level_max_mp * 100 );


/* Determine EXP percentage
 * Experience is determined by how far the user is away
 * from the next level. This is expressed as a percentage.
 * Note, a user of level 0 has 100% experience. Making one post
 * will put them at level 1. Also, a user that is shown to have 100%
 * experience, will go up a level on their next post.

if($level_level == 0)
        $level_exp = "0 / 0";
        $level_exp_percent = 100;
        $level_posts_for_next = floor( pow( 10, pow( $level_level, (1/3) ) ) );

        $level_posts_for_this = max(1, floor( pow( 10, pow( ($level_level - 1), (1/3) ) ) ) );

        $level_exp = ($profiledata['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) . " / " . ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this);

        $level_exp_percent = floor( ( ($profiledata['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) / max( 1, ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this ) ) ) * 100);


#-----[ ara ( ctrl+f)]------------------------------------------

'U_SEARCH_USER' => append_sid("search.$phpEx?search_author=" . urlencode($profiledata['username'])),

#-----[ arkasına ekle ]------------------------------------------

'HP' => $level_hp,
'HP_WIDTH' => $level_hp_percent,
'HP_EMPTY' => ( 100 - $level_hp_percent ),
'MP' => $level_mp,
'MP_WIDTH' => $level_mp_percent,
'MP_EMPTY' => ( 100 - $level_mp_percent ),
'EXP' => $level_exp,
'EXP_WIDTH' => $level_exp_percent,
'EXP_EMPTY' => ( 100 - $level_exp_percent ),
'LEVEL' => $level_level,

#-----[ dosyayı aç ]------------------------------------------

##   templates/senin teman/profile_view_body.tpl

#-----[ ara ]------------------------------------------

  <td valign="top" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gen">{L_INTERESTS}:</span></td>
  <td> <b><span class="gen">{INTERESTS}</span></b></td>

#-----[ arkasına ekle ]------------------------------------------
          <!-- [BEGIN LEVEL MOD] -->
                    <td valign="top" align="right"><span class="gen">Level:</span></td>
                    <td><b><span class="gen">{LEVEL}</span></b></td>
                  <td align="left">
                  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                          <td align="left"><span class="postdetails">HP:</span></td>
                          <td align="right"><span class="postdetails"><b>{HP}</b></span></td>
                          <td colspan="2">
                                  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/hp_bar_left.gif" width="2" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/hp_bar_fil.gif" width="{HP_WIDTH}" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/hp_bar_fil_end.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_emp.gif" width="{HP_EMPTY}" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_right.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                        <td align="left"><span class="gen">&nbsp;{HP_WIDTH}%</span></td>

                  <td align="left">
                  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                          <td align="left"><span class="postdetails">MP:</span></td>
                          <td align="right"><span class="postdetails"><b>{MP}</b></span></td>
                          <td colspan="2">
                                  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/mp_bar_left.gif" width="2" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/mp_bar_fil.gif" width="{MP_WIDTH}" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/mp_bar_fil_end.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_emp.gif" width="{MP_EMPTY}" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_right.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                        <td align="left"><span class="gen">&nbsp;{MP_WIDTH}%</span></td>

                  <td align="left">
                  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                          <td align="left"><span class="postdetails">EXP:</span></td>
                          <td align="right"><span class="postdetails"><b>{EXP}</b></span></td>
                          <td colspan="2">
                                  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/exp_bar_left.gif" width="2" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/exp_bar_fil.gif" width="{EXP_WIDTH}" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/exp_bar_fil_end.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_emp.gif" width="{EXP_EMPTY}" height="12" /></td>
                                  <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_right.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                        <td align="left"><span class="gen">&nbsp;{EXP_WIDTH}%</span></td>
          <!-- [END LEVEL MOD] -->

#-----[ dosyayı aç ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ ara ]------------------------------------------

$row_class = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2'];

#-----[ arkasına ekle ]------------------------------------------

/* Begin HP/MP/EXP Mod
 * Note: all new variables used created in this mod
 * are prefixed with level_ to be sure of not overwriting
 * other variables.

/* Calculate Level
 * A user's level is determined by their total number of posts.
 * A nice mathmatical formula is used to translate their post count
 * into an intager level.
 * Note: A user with zero (0) posts is considered level 0, however
 * making one (1) post, raises them to level 1.

if($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] < 1)
        $level_level = 0;
        $level_level = floor( pow( log10( $postrow[$i]['user_posts'] ), 3 ) ) + 1;

/* Determine Hit Points (HP)
 * Hp is based on user activity.
 * Max HP is based on the user's level, and will generally
 * be the same for all users of the same level.
 * A user's current HP is based on the user's posts per day.
 * A higher post per day (ppd), the more HP they will have. A
 * user with an average PPD (set below) will have 50% of their
 * max HP. As a user goes over the average PPD, they will have
 * more HP, but the gains will decrease as the user's PPD increases.
 * This makes achieving 100% hp difficult, but not impossible.
 * For users with under the average PPD, they will have HP equal
 * to 1/2 the percentage their ppd is of the average.
 * ie- a user with 2.5 ppd, and an average ppd of 5 will have
 * 25% of their max HP. This is because 2.5 is 50% of 5, and 1/2
 * of that, is 25%.
 * Users who manage to post so far above the average that they have
 * more HP than their max will recieve a bonus to their max HP.
 * Note that users at level 0 will always have 0 / 0 hp.

 * This value determines the 'average' posts per day.
 * The admin may redefine this variable as he wishes.
 * Higher values will generally decrease users' HP, and
 * lower values will generally increase users' HP.
 * Note: Do NOT set this value to zero (0).
 * This -may- be set to a fractional value (eg, 5.1, 3.1415)

$level_avg_ppd = 5;

 * this value sets how hard it is to achieve 100%
 * hp. The higher you set it, the harder it is to
 * get full hp.
 * to judge how high to set it, a user must have
 * posts per day equal to the $level_avg_ppd plus
 * the number set below.
 * This should NOT be zero.

$level_bonus_redux = 5;

 * We need to actually calculate the user's posts per day
 * because unlike in the profile, it's not done for us.
$level_user_ppd = ($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] / max(1, round( ( time() - $postrow[$i]['user_regdate'] ) / 86400 )));

if($level_level < 1)
        $level_hp = "0 / 0";
        $level_hp_percent = 0;
        $level_max_hp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (1.5) );

        if($level_user_ppd >= $level_avg_ppd)
                $level_hp_percent = floor( (.5 + (($level_user_ppd - $level_avg_ppd) / ($level_bonus_redux * 2)) ) * 100);
                $level_hp_percent = floor( $level_user_ppd / ($level_avg_ppd / 50) );

        if($level_hp_percent > 100)
                //Give the user a bonus to max HP for greater than 100% hp.
                $level_max_hp += floor( ($level_hp_percent - 100) * pi() );
                $level_hp_percent = 100;
                $level_hp_percent = max(0, $level_hp_percent);

        $level_cur_hp = floor($level_max_hp * ($level_hp_percent / 100) );

        //Be sure a user has no more than max, and no less than zero hp.
        $level_cur_hp = max(0, $level_cur_hp);
        $level_cur_hp = min($level_max_hp, $level_cur_hp);

        $level_hp = $level_cur_hp . ' / ' . $level_max_hp;

/* Determine MP
 * MP is calculated by how long the user has been around
 * and how often they post.
 * Max MP is based on level, and increases with level
 * Each post a user makes costs them mp,
 * and a user regenerates mp proportional to how
 * many days they have been registered

//Number of days the user has been at the forums.
$level_user_days = max(1, round( ( time() - $postrow[$i]['user_regdate'] ) / 86400 ));

/* The mp cost for one post.
 * Raising this value will generally decrease the current
 * mp for most posters.
 * This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 2, 2.1, 3.141596)
 * This should NOT be set to 0
$level_post_mp_cost = 2.5;

/* This determines how much mp a user regenerates per day
 * Raising this value will generally increase the current
 * mp for most posters.
 * This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 3, 3.5, 2.71828)
 * This should NOT be set to 0
$level_mp_regen_per_day = 4;

if($level_level < 1)
        $level_mp = '0 / 0';
        $level_mp_percent = 0;
        $level_max_mp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (pi()) );

        $level_mp_cost = $postrow[$i]['user_posts'] * $level_post_mp_cost;
        $level_mp_regen = max(1, $level_user_days * $level_mp_regen_per_day);

        $level_cur_mp = floor($level_max_mp - $level_mp_cost + $level_mp_regen);
        $level_cur_mp = max(0, $level_cur_mp);
        $level_cur_mp = min($level_max_mp, $level_cur_mp);

        $level_mp = $level_cur_mp . ' / ' . $level_max_mp;
        $level_mp_percent = floor($level_cur_mp / $level_max_mp * 100 );


/* Determine EXP percentage
 * Experience is determined by how far the user is away
 * from the next level. This is expressed as a percentage.
 * Note, a user of level 0 has 100% experience. Making one post
 * will put them at level 1. Also, a user that is shown to have 100%
 * experience, will go up a level on their next post.

if($level_level == 0)
        $level_exp = "0 / 0";
        $level_exp_percent = 100;
        $level_posts_for_next = floor( pow( 10, pow( $level_level, (1/3) ) ) );

        $level_posts_for_this = max(1, floor( pow( 10, pow( ($level_level - 1), (1/3) ) ) ) );

        $level_exp = ($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) . " / " . ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this);

        $level_exp_percent = floor( ( ($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) / max( 1, ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this ) ) ) * 100);


#-----[ ara ]------------------------------------------

'L_MINI_POST_ALT' => $mini_post_alt,

#-----[ arkasına ekle ]------------------------------------------

"POSTER_HP" => $level_hp,
"POSTER_HP_WIDTH" => $level_hp_percent,
"POSTER_HP_EMPTY" => ( 100 - $level_hp_percent ),
"POSTER_MP" => $level_mp,
"POSTER_MP_WIDTH" => $level_mp_percent,
"POSTER_MP_EMPTY" => ( 100 - $level_mp_percent ),
"POSTER_EXP" => $level_exp,
"POSTER_EXP_WIDTH" => $level_exp_percent,
"POSTER_EXP_EMPTY" => ( 100 - $level_exp_percent ),
"POSTER_LEVEL" => $level_level,

#-----[ aç ]------------------------------------------

templates/senin teman/viewtopic_body.tpl

#-----[ ara ]------------------------------------------

{postrow.POSTER_FROM}</span><br />

#-----[ arkasına ekle ]------------------------------------------
<!-- [BEGIN LEVEL MOD] -->
          <span class="postdetails">
          Level : <b>{postrow.POSTER_LEVEL}</b>

          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                  <td align="left"><span class="postdetails">HP:</span></td>
                  <td align="right"><span class="postdetails"><b>{postrow.POSTER_HP}</b></span></td>
                  <td colspan="2">
                          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/hp_bar_left.gif" width="2" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/hp_bar_fil.gif" width="{postrow.POSTER_HP_WIDTH}" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/hp_bar_fil_end.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_emp.gif" width="{postrow.POSTER_HP_EMPTY}" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_right.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                <td align="left"><span class="gen">&nbsp;{postrow.POSTER_HP_WIDTH}%</span></td>

          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                  <td align="left"><span class="postdetails">MP:</span></td>
                  <td align="right"><span class="postdetails"><b>{postrow.POSTER_MP}</b></span></td>
                  <td colspan="2">
                          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/mp_bar_left.gif" width="2" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/mp_bar_fil.gif" width="{postrow.POSTER_MP_WIDTH}" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/mp_bar_fil_end.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_emp.gif" width="{postrow.POSTER_MP_EMPTY}" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_right.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                <td align="left"><span class="gen">&nbsp;{postrow.POSTER_MP_WIDTH}%</span></td>

          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                  <td align="left"><span class="postdetails">EXP:</span></td>
                  <td align="right"><span class="postdetails"><b>{postrow.POSTER_EXP}</b></span></td>
                  <td colspan="2">
                          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/exp_bar_left.gif" width="2" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/exp_bar_fil.gif" width="{postrow.POSTER_EXP_WIDTH}" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/exp_bar_fil_end.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_emp.gif" width="{postrow.POSTER_EXP_EMPTY}" height="12" /></td>
                          <td><img src="images/levelmod/level_bar_right.gif" width="1" height="12" /></td>
                <td align="left"><span class="gen">&nbsp;{postrow.POSTER_EXP_WIDTH}%</span></td>
          <!-- [END LEVEL MOD] -->

#-----[ tüm dosyaları kaydedin ve kapatın ]------------------------------------------
# powered edit    www.futbolizle.co.cc 
örnek resim burada :

[ resmi görüntülemek için tıklayın ]

modu başka bir level modu alıp iki level mod arasında karma yaparak melez yaptım ve türkçeleştirdim . :wink: :wink:

link burada :
level mod.rar
level mod dosyaları..
(43.3 KiB) 643 kere indirildi

http://futbolizle.tk lig tv nin en bedava adresi tüm liglerin macları burada.

phpbb3 temaları= http://futbolmekani.leve-net.com/forum/ ... -f108.html
phpbb3 modları= http://futbolmekani.leve-net.com/forum/-mod--f107.html
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 41
Kayıt: 24.04.2007, 01:32
Konum: istanbul

Re: [mod] türkçe level mod tamamen türkçe

Mesaj gönderen SERZAKİR »

Kardeşim mükemmel çalışıyor ama senden bir ricam var.bu derecelerin manası ne tam olarak..üyeler bana soruyor rezil oluyoruz yani :oops: nasıl adminsin daha yaptığın şeyin ne manaya geldiğini bilmiyorsun demezlermi :D yinede sağol gerçekten çok güzel oldu tavsiye ederim tüm kardeşlere :wink:
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 312
Kayıt: 21.07.2007, 19:38

Re: [mod] türkçe level mod tamamen türkçe

Mesaj gönderen djtata »

peki hareketlimi resşmler
Kullanıcı avatarı
Mesajlar: 198
Kayıt: 06.01.2008, 18:16
Konum: Ankara

Re: [mod] türkçe level mod tamamen türkçe

Mesaj gönderen dlxattack »

Ewet bulmuşsun işte benim kullandığımda bu :D
PhpBB 2 Ye Devam...!!!!
Kullanıcı avatarı
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 22
Kayıt: 11.05.2008, 11:19

Re: [mod] türkçe level mod tamamen türkçe

Mesaj gönderen brainomer »

arkadaşlar bizim foumumuzda her kullanıcıya ait bir seviye vardır

ne kadar çok mesaj yazarsanız ve forumda dolaşırsanız o kadar bilginlik ve seviyeniz artar buda level mod seviye göstericiyle kullanıcı

avatarının altında gösterilir..

şimdi level moddaki barların anlamlarını açıklıyıcam..

[ resmi görüntülemek için tıklayın ]

HP yazan yeşil bar sitedeki aktifliğimizi gösterir ne kadar yüksekse o kadar fazla aktifiz demektir...

MP yazan mavi bar sitedeki okumadığımız konuları gösterir yani diğer arkadaşlarımız konu yzmışlardır ve biz bunları okumadığımız anlamına gelir.

EXP yazan turuncu bar ise levelimizin %100 olarak gösterilişidir yani %100 oloduğunda level 1den level2 ye geçeriz ve başta sıfırlanır..

(bak ben kendi sitemde böyle acıklama yapmıştım burayada kopyaladım :D siteme davetlisiniz.)tabi artık bunlar yok phpBB3 geçtim
http://futbolizle.tk lig tv nin en bedava adresi tüm liglerin macları burada.

phpbb3 temaları= http://futbolmekani.leve-net.com/forum/ ... -f108.html
phpbb3 modları= http://futbolmekani.leve-net.com/forum/-mod--f107.html
Kayıtlı Kullanıcı
Mesajlar: 20
Kayıt: 19.01.2009, 19:43

Re: [mod] türkçe level mod tamamen türkçe

Mesaj gönderen Efsane507 »

MP Bar modifikasyonu bozuk dostum yerinden oynamıyor:)

“2.0.x MOD Duyuruları” sayfasına dön

Kimler çevrimiçi

Bu forumu görüntüleyen kullanıcılar: Yandex [Bot] ve 1 misafir